Fibromyalgie : comprendre la maladie et ses symptômes

Fibromyalgia: how to better manage pain on a daily basis?

Dec 30, 2024

Fibromyalgia , an invisible but very real disease, disrupts the lives of many people with its varied and complex symptoms. Understanding its mechanisms, recognizing its manifestations and discovering solutions to alleviate them is essential to improve daily life . This article guides you in this process, offering you keys to better live with this pathology and better manage pain day after day.

Fibromyalgia: Understanding the Disease and Its Symptoms

Fibromyalgia is a set of chronic symptoms of moderate to severe intensity, mainly including pain, fatigue, sleep disorders and cognitive disorders . Many other physical manifestations can be associated such as migraines or irritable bowel syndrome. These symptoms can significantly impact the emotional state, causing anxiety and depressive disorders.

The pain, persistent and diffuse, is caused by an alteration of the pain detection and management system . This pain can affect all soft tissues: muscles, tendons, joints, etc. Other unpleasant sensations such as tingling, pins and needles or increased sensitivity may also occur.

A difficult diagnosis

Fibromyalgia and its symptoms have long been questioned , particularly because no organ damage or dysfunction has been discovered. However, fibromyalgia is now well and truly recognized as a disease in its own right.

Read also: Fibromyalgia: new promising advance in research

Factors that aggravate pain

Certain factors can lead to worsening of pain . These are mainly stress, excessive strain, certain postures inducing repeated tension and inactivity.

First-line treatment

The first-line treatment consists of resorting to a suitable physical activity with the support of a professional. This practice acts directly at the cerebral level on the pain control zone , offering a certain relief. Certain gentle activities such as tai chi, yoga or qi gong can for example be practiced as long as they are compatible with the nature and frequency of the pain. Gently stretching the affected muscles is also a beneficial action.

Gentle therapies

Other non-drug treatments can act on aggravating factors and thus reduce pain. These include cognitive behavioral therapy , meditation and deep breathing exercises , which effectively help reduce stress. These approaches should not be overlooked since reducing stress can lead to resolving fibromyalgia syndrome.

Natural Approaches to Pain Relief

Unlike many chronic diseases, treatment for fibromyalgia relies primarily on non-drug solutions . Among these, adapted physical activity plays a key role, but other complementary approaches can also provide significant relief.

Therapeutic massage and localized heat application are among the most effective methods for relieving pain. Similarly, acupuncture appears to have positive effects on reducing pain and fatigue, while spa treatments may help improve patients' overall quality of life .

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