L'amande une alliée pour le corps

Almond, an ally for the body

Oct 18, 2023

Nature , in its great wisdom, has given us invaluable gifts and among these is an exemplary superfood – the almond . Small, but mighty, this seed has incredible nutritional potential that many tend to forget or underestimate.

The origins of the almond can be traced to the hot desert regions of the Middle East where it has been cultivated since ancient times. Arriving in the Mediterranean basin thanks to trade, it adapted well to the climate and was integrated into the local diet. We could therefore ask ourselves the question:

How did a small seed turn into such a valuable food source for humanity?

The answer essentially lies in the benefits that almonds bring to our body . Consumed in moderation, this food can indeed contribute to improving our health significantly.

  • Nutritional value : almonds are a treasure trove of nutrients. It contains a high concentration of vitamins E and B2, minerals such as magnesium, phosphorus and zinc, antioxidants, and fiber.
  • Calorie intake : despite its high caloric intake, almonds have a satietogenic effect which can help control hunger between meals. Furthermore, some of the fats it contains are not absorbed by the body given the structure of its cells.

Not only are they naturally delicious, almonds are also beneficial for our health. We will therefore explore these virtues in detail in this article.

Antioxidants in almonds

The part that particularly interests us when we talk about the almond and its virtues for our body is its undisputed richness in antioxidants . Antioxidants are substances that help us fight free radicals, molecules that are unstable and potentially dangerous for our body. They play a crucial role in maintaining good health and preventing various chronic diseases.

Almonds are an incredibly rich source of vitamin E , a powerful antioxidant. In fact, a small 28 gram packet of almonds provides about 37% of the recommended daily amount of vitamin E. But why is vitamin E essential for our body? Vitamin E's main role is to serve as an antioxidant, protecting our cells from damage caused by free radicals. These can contribute to the development of cardiovascular diseases and cancers, two of the main causes of mortality worldwide.

Almonds are also blessed with other notable antioxidants such as riboflavin, manganese, and magnesium. But, more interestingly, they contain a special type of antioxidant called polyphenol . These compounds are primarily found in the skin of almonds. Polyphenols have been proven to have anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory and anti-cancer effects. They can also help prevent cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases.

It is therefore quite obvious, isn't it, that the almond is not only a delight to chew, but also a real treasure for our health. Do you know many foods that combine both taste pleasure and health benefits at such a level? So, why not integrate this little wonder into your diet more regularly to benefit from all these benefits?

The benefits of almonds for the brain

The almond , thanks to its rich and diverse nutritional profile, offers a multitude of benefits for the brain . Not only is it high in monounsaturated fatty acids, a type of heart-healthy fat, but it is also home to many nutrients that directly benefit the brain. After careful study, it is clear that our brain could greatly benefit from regular consumption of almonds.

The brain, which is the most energy-intensive organ in our body, needs a constant supply of energy , and the almond could provide it with just this supply. Rich in nutrients such as folic acid , magnesium , vitamin E and arginine , almonds are a true ally for our brain.

Folic acid, a B group vitamin, plays a fundamental role in the development of the nervous system. It also helps in the creation of new cells, including brain cells. Isn't investing in foods rich in folic acid such as almonds an excellent strategy for our brain?

Magnesium, for its part, plays an important role in the transmission of nerve impulses and the protection of nerve cells. It is also necessary for the production of ATP , the main source of energy for our cells. Almonds are among the richest food sources of this precious mineral.

Vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant, helps protect the brain from damage caused by free radicals. It has also been linked to a reduced risk of neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease. Almonds are one of the richest sources of vitamin E, making them a great choice for supporting brain health.

As for arginine, a semi-essential amino acid, it improves memory and cognitive abilities by increasing the production of NO (nitric oxide), a molecule that plays a crucial role in neuronal functions.

In short, due to their high content of brain-beneficial nutrients, it is difficult to ignore the potentially positive effects of almonds on the brain. That said, it's important to remember that while they're healthy, almonds are also high in calories. For this reason, their consumption should be moderate by integrating them into a balanced and diversified diet.

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