5 erreurs à éviter qui retardent la cicatrisation des plaies
January 4, 2025
La cicatrisation nécessite des soins adaptés. Cet article détaille 5 erreurs fréquentes, comme un mauvais nettoyage ou des produits inappropriés, et comment les éviter. ...
Avancées dans la cicatrisation des plaies chroniques : solutions innovantes
Les plaies chroniques nécessitent des traitements adaptés. Découvrez les innovations comme ANTISCAR et les pansements biologiques pour accélérer la cicatrisation. ...
How Diabetes Promotes the Appearance of Bedsores and Chronic Wounds
April 12, 2024
It is undeniable that diabetes is a complex and delicate disease that requires special attention to maintain an acceptable quality of life. But, have you...
Pressure ulcer prevention and management
August 28, 2023
Pressure sores, also known as pressure sores or pressure ulcers , are skin lesions that occur when the skin and underlying tissues are subjected to...
Diabetic foot: how to manage the healing of these wounds?
August 27, 2023
Diabetes remains a worrying health reality, manifesting itself in different forms and affecting a significant number of individuals throughout the world. In France, the year...
Avoiding fibrin on a wound
January 1, 2023
What is fibrin? Fibrin is a protein that plays an important role in blood clotting . It is formed from the precursor protein called fibrinogen,...
A promising treatment: Healing ulcers and pressure sores
June 9, 2022
Many patients will develop an ulcer or pressure ulcer during their lifetime, for which the path to recovery is often difficult. Despite numerous treatments available,...
How to avoid bedsores
April 28, 2022
1. What is a pressure sore? Pressure sores can occur when a person is bedridden or immobile , unconscious or unable to feel pain. Pressure...
What does a pressure sore look like?
April 21, 2022
What is a pressure sore? A pressure sore is one of the complications of an illness or mobility impairment that can seriously affect a patient....
Healing: the vascular response
September 29, 2021
The vascular response: Hemostasis and coagulation The first stage of healing The first stage of physiological wound healing is devoted to hemostasis (the process of...
Physiology of wound healing
The Healing Process of Adult Skin Skin healing is a dynamic and highly regulated process of cellular, humoral and molecular mechanisms. This process begins directly...
The history of skin healing
The healing mechanism of the skin The ability of organisms to repair or regenerate tissues, in order to restore organ functions, is a selective advantage...
Pain related to the care of bedsore wounds or ulcers
September 28, 2021
The pain of wounds Pain related to wound care has long been known and studied. Treatments feared by professionals and patients alike, these treatments, which...
What dressing(s) for better healing?
September 15, 2021
A new generation of liquid dressings for healing A new generation of polymer-based liquid dressings has recently been developed after many years of research and...
Pressure ulcer stages 1 to 4 with photos
August 18, 2021
Découvrez les différents stades des escarres (1 à 4), leurs caractéristiques, traitements et les meilleures pratiques pour une prévention efficace. ...
Definition of a pressure sore and how to treat it
October 23, 2017
This scourge of subcutaneous tissues, which seems inevitable during prolonged bed rest, still has no well-established treatment . The question then arises: how to treat...
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