Grippe : faut-il se faire vacciner ?

Flu: should you get vaccinated?

Nov 27, 2023

Since October 17, 2023, the flu vaccination campaign has been launched, marking the beginning of a crucial action to protect the population against this seasonal disease. Often perceived as harmless, the flu can nevertheless have serious consequences, especially for vulnerable people. The flu vaccine is proving to be an essential prevention tool to mitigate the dreaded effects of the impending winter epidemic. Who should get vaccinated? And what does vaccination actually involve?

What is the flu?

Influenza, a common seasonal illness that affects between 2 and 6 million French people each year, mainly during the winter period. It is an acute respiratory infection caused by the influenza virus. This disease is contagious and spreads through the air, i.e. through the projection of secretions when sneezing, coughing or spitting. Direct contact with a sick person or with contaminated surfaces, such as doorknobs or cutlery, is also a means of transmission.

The illness usually manifests itself 48 hours after infection. Infected people remain contagious for up to five days after the first symptoms appear, and up to seven days in children. Symptoms of the flu include severe fatigue, fever, body aches , headache, dry cough, and runny nose. Although the average illness lasts a week, fatigue often persists for three to four weeks. In addition, a dry cough can persist for up to two weeks.

To protect yourself against this epidemic, you can get vaccinated every year in the fall.

In which cases is influenza vaccination recommended?

Although influenza is often considered a harmless disease, it can still have serious, even fatal, consequences in vulnerable people . It is estimated that each year, influenza vaccination saves approximately 2,000 lives among individuals aged 65 and over.

Vaccination provides dual protection by reducing the risk of infection while reducing the risk of developing severe forms of the disease. Recommendations for seasonal influenza vaccination include the following categories:

  • People aged 65 and over.
  • Individuals with chronic conditions such as diabetes or heart failure, as influenza can make some of these conditions worse.
  • Pregnant women, regardless of the stage of pregnancy. This vaccination also provides protection to the infant during the first months of life.
  • Infants.
  • Obese people.
  • Professionals in regular and prolonged contact with people at risk of developing a severe form.
  • The entourage of vulnerable people, in particular infants under 6 months with risk factors for serious flu, as well as immunocompromised people.

In such circumstances, the risks include not only the direct consequences of the influenza virus (pneumonia, myocarditis, etc.), but also the possibility of complications such as superinfection or dehydration. It is important to emphasize that most serious cases requiring admission to intensive care are associated with the presence of a risk factor.

Why get vaccinated every year?

The need for annual influenza vaccination is based on the variation in circulating viral strains and the limited duration of protection of the vaccine. The composition of the vaccine is updated annually according to the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO), taking into account the viruses most likely to circulate during the winter season.

Although effectiveness may vary from year to year, vaccination remains the most effective way to protect those at risk.

How does vaccination work?

Delivery and reimbursement of influenza vaccine

The flu vaccine is available on prescription . This prescription can be issued by a doctor and midwife for everyone , or by a nurse and pharmacist for individuals over 11 years old. The vaccine must be stored in refrigerated conditions , between 2 and 8 degrees Celsius, and must not be frozen under any circumstances.

The financial terms of vaccination vary depending on the target population groups and risk factors. For people considered to be at risk of complications, the vaccine is free . For children aged 2 to 17 years old who do not have risk factors, Health Insurance reimburses 65% of the cost of the vaccine. On the other hand, people aged 18 and over who are not included in the recommendations do not benefit from reimbursement of the vaccine. It is important to note that, regardless of the cost of the vaccine, the costs related to the injection procedure are covered under the usual conditions.

What are the side effects of this vaccine?

As with any vaccination, the flu vaccine injection can cause side effects, which are usually minor and short-lived . The most common side effects include mild pain at the injection site, low-grade fever, and body aches, often indicating a normal immune response. It is important to understand that the vaccine cannot cause influenza in any way , as it contains only an inactivated fraction of the virus.

However, in exceptional cases, an allergic reaction may occur. Severe allergic reactions usually manifest themselves as swelling of the eyes and face, difficulty breathing or swallowing, loss of consciousness, as well as a skin rash that is sometimes itchy or blistering. In such cases, it is imperative to contact emergency medical services immediately.

How to reconcile vaccination against Covid and against the flu?

The flu vaccination can be given at the same time as the Covid-19 vaccination. Therefore, people who need a Covid vaccine booster can receive both injections on the same day (one in each arm).

People most exposed to severe forms of influenza are also likely to develop severe complications related to Covid-19. With the expected co-circulation of the Covid-19 virus and influenza during the fall of 2023 and the winter of 2023-2024, the risk of co -infection and serious complications, or even death, is increasing. The fall booster campaign against Covid-19, which began on October 2, 2023, mainly targets individuals recommended for influenza vaccination.

Fight the flu naturally

In a context where the coexistence of influenza and COVID-19 is a reality, strengthening the immune system becomes particularly important . In addition to classic approaches (influenza vaccination), more and more people are exploring the use of herbal food supplements to boost their immunity. Herbs and plant extracts , such as echinacea, ginseng and elderberry, are often recommended for their immune-boosting properties.

Although these supplements cannot replace vaccination, they can play a complementary role in strengthening the body's general resistance . Food supplements thus represent a potential addition to a holistic approach to health, helping to support the immune system in a synergistic manner with vaccination. The combination of these two approaches, vaccination and integration of food supplements, can offer enhanced protection against seasonal infections.

Against the flu virus, vaccination therefore remains the preferred individual prevention solution for people at risk. Alongside vaccination, prevention of this disease also relies on compliance with barrier measures such as hand washing or isolating sick people.


Vaccination info Flu.

Public Vaccination against seasonal flu .

World Health Organization. Five misconceptions about the flu vaccine.

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