Se soigner avec des produits naturels

Treat yourself with natural products

Oct 08, 2017

Natural treatments have been on the rise for a few years: herbal medicine, homeopathy, osteopathy, Chinese or Ayurvedic medicine are increasingly used by patients wishing to avoid the side effects of drugs . A brief overview of these natural approaches to the body and some advice to avoid the pitfalls. Overmedication has long been in our society. A little pain and hop... a pill to make it disappear!

The problem comes mainly from the toxicity of the drugs , your liver, your kidneys, your pancreas, must detoxify your organism after taking the treatment . The more your organs work in overdrive, the faster they will tire. On the downside, the more medication you take, the less effective you feel. We have long been told “antibiotics are not automatic”, but it is also valid for the rest, drugs are not to be taken lightly. Especially since there are very effective natural alternatives now easily accessible.

The priority today is to change mentalities and encourage as many people as possible to turn to these alternatives. Your body will thank you for not loading it with chemicals and when it is really necessary to take drugs, their effects will be all the better.

plants and vitamins

Many medicines have been discovered thanks to plants ; morphine is extracted from poppies, aspirin comes from white willow bark, quinine (an antimalarial) comes from a shrub called Cinchona. And we could still list many others for you, since the very first medicines, in all civilizations and on all continents, men have understood the interest of using plants to heal themselves . Those who say that plants are not effective are wrong, the problem does not come from their effectiveness, but rather from the quality of the plant that we use. On the plant market you can find everything and nothing and the problem is there. Choose plants sold by herbalists or health professionals .

A local plant will certainly be more effective than a plant imported from the other side of the world! As a food supplement , check that the active ingredients are dosed, a guaranteed concentration of these active ingredients is a guarantee of quality. Buy your products in pharmacies or herbalists and avoid supermarkets. If your treatment does not seem to be effective, do not go back to the drug right away, you can try to find a better quality plant or try another variety. Keep in mind that a plant will always take longer to act, often a month of cure is the lower limit to feel the effects , but in the long term a natural treatment will always be much more beneficial to you ...

natural food

Dr. Seignalet wrote " Food or the third medicine" to highlight the benefits of healthy eating on chronic pathologies. In Chinese or Indian medicine , food is the number one remedy for disease, or rather in the “preservation of a healthy body”. Because food gives us everything we need to stay healthy , so it all starts with eating healthy ! We often hear about a “free” diet, without cheese, without gluten, without red meat, etc. Be careful not to go to extremes, moreover no real study has shown the interest of these diets. According to the precepts of Indian and Chinese medicine , you must eat everything in the right quantity .

Excess is always harmful to your body and it is not only valid for food! Too much sport is not beneficial, too much sleep too, too much work ditto, in short you have understood it in the body, as in nature, everything is a question of balance. If you suffer from a chronic disease , you can definitely try one of these diets. But just one at a time! Stopping foods with gluten can help with digestive problems , as well as cheese with joint pain , there is no precise rule. Do tests over a month to appreciate the effects and do it with a nutritionist or your doctor who can follow you along this experience.

The benefits of fasting

Fasting is part of the rituals of many ancestral medicines. Many studies have shown the benefits of a young , even very short, on the body. What exactly happens when you fast? To understand the mechanism, you have to ask the question upside down. When we eat, the body uses energy to assimilate vitamins, nutrients, trace elements, etc., and to eliminate all that is not necessary, which will then end up in the stool and urine. Digestion occupies a large part of our metabolism, after the functioning of the brain, it is the system that requires more resources from our body!

With our current lifestyle, we don't always eat healthily, often much too salty, sweet or fatty. During a fasting cure, all activity related to digestion ceases , so the body can devote its energy to detoxifying the body . The benefits are felt from a day without eating, if you do a prolonged fast it is strongly recommended to be supervised by nutritionists, naturopaths or doctors . You can also do small fasts by limiting food to a bowl of soup, for example for a weekend.

Natural healing: osteopathy and holistic medicine

Healing naturally also involves parallel treatments such as osteopathy, chiropractic, sophrology or even Ayurveda and acupuncture. These therapies consider your body as a whole and can help you on a daily basis against your pain, but also to manage your stress and teach you how to relax. Find out about their fields of action, you will be surprised! For example, osteopathy can act on your joint pain , but also on digestive disorders , headaches and even in infants. We are lucky to have access to a wide range of these natural medicines and it would be a shame to deprive ourselves of them!

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