Solutions efficaces contre les jambes lourdes

What to do to combat the feeling of heavy legs?

Written by: Marie Agopian


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Time to read 5 min

Although summer is generally considered a pleasant season for many people, summer temperatures can still be a source of discomfort: digestive problems, fatigue, poor quality sleep, etc. Among these symptoms, the feeling of heavy legs can also be particularly annoying. What exactly is it, and what can be done to remedy it?

What is the feeling of heavy legs?

This phenomenon is caused by poor blood circulation in the veins. Women are the most affected.

Main causes

There are several causes that can cause the sensation of heavy legs. First of all, poor blood circulation is one of the main causes of this symptom. It can be due to a chronic venous disease.

Then there is the fact of standing for a long time. Staying like this for long hours without moving (or just by stamping your feet) can cause blood to accumulate in the legs as well as a feeling of heaviness. Certain professional sectors are more affected: catering, care, sales, etc.

Water retention in the lower limbs can also be the cause of this feeling of heaviness. It can be due to factors such as heat, poor diet and certain pathologies (hormonal imbalances, heart failure, etc.). The feeling of heavy legs can also come from genetic factors. In fact, heredity can play a major role. The risk of suffering from this feeling will be greater in the event of a family history of chronic venous disease.

Being overweight and obese also commonly cause this type of sensation. Being overweight increases pressure in the legs while slowing down venous return. Finally, pregnancy also turns out to be a major cause of the feeling of heavy legs. During this period, the weight of the uterus exerts significant pressure and compression on the veins in the legs, thus amplifying this sensation.

In short, there are various causes that can cause the sensation of heavy legs. And although it may be a harmless origin, it is still possible that the cause is more serious. It is therefore important to discuss this symptom with your doctor to determine the underlying cause and obtain the most appropriate treatment and advice.



The feeling of heavy legs is often accompanied by other symptoms. Among the main ones, we find:

  • Pain , which can impact general condition and level of well-being.
  • Swelling of the legs . It can also be located at the ankles and on the top of the foot. This phenomenon can sometimes make it difficult to put on shoes. However, it generally disappears after a night's rest.
  • Cramps, manifested by painful contractions in the calves.
  • Itching (or pruritus), mainly in the lower calves.
  • Restless legs syndrome. Also known as restless legs syndrome, they correspond to unpleasant sensations such as numbness, tingling or prickling. They occur following prolonged immobilization, usually corresponding to the period of sleep. This can therefore lead to an alteration in the quality of sleep.
  • Telangiectasias. This is the permanent dilation of the networks of small red vessels, visible to the naked eye at the level of the legs. Pressing on this area reduces the redness.

Although the feeling of heavy legs alone is not a serious symptom, it can have repercussions on quality of life: alteration of body image, difficulty walking, etc.

Aggravating factors

In addition to the causes mentioned above, certain factors can aggravate the feeling of heavy legs. Heat is one of these aggravating factors. High temperatures can have a significant impact on the vascular system.

When exposed to high temperatures, the body will implement a mechanism essential to thermoregulation: vasodilation. This allows an increase in blood flow to the skin in order to dissipate body heat.

However, this vasodilation can also lead to an increase in pressure in the veins, thus aggravating the sensation of heavy legs. A sedentary lifestyle is also considered an aggravating factor.

Indeed, remaining still or inactive leads to a decrease in venous pumping (because it is induced by muscular activity). The blood in the veins will then tend to stagnate, therefore contributing to the feeling of heaviness. Finally, the days preceding menstruation can aggravate the feeling of heavy legs. The cause: hormonal fluctuations.

Treatments and remedies


The sensation of heavy legs, without associated pathology, can be relieved by drug treatment . In this context, it is mainly venotonics that are used. Also known as phlebotonics, they notably improve the tone of the vessels.

Their mechanisms of action help reduce the feeling of heavy legs and the associated symptoms. These are drugs available for sale in pharmacies without a prescription. However, they are not reimbursed by social security.

There are also other products available in the form of creams and gels. Providing a feeling of freshness, they are generally applied at the end of the day. The active ingredient they are composed of helps improve venous return. They thus help to soothe unpleasant sensations such as heat or heaviness.

Natural treatments

To relieve the symptoms of heavy legs, medications are not the only solution. In fact, natural remedies made from plants have also proven their worth. Among the available forms, we mainly find:

Sports activity

Exercising is also an effective treatment. Walking is one of the most recommended sports in this case. It is an efficient activity to reduce symptoms and thus have better blood circulation.

When walking, the calf muscles contract and the feet act as a real pump to propel the blood more efficiently. Other sports such as cycling or aquabiking are also recommended. Note that certain activities such as running or tennis on hard ground should be avoided.

Prevent the feeling of heavy legs

Thanks to support stockings

Compression stockings are positioned as the reference treatment for heavy legs without pathological cause. Their anatomical effectiveness has also been proven. These are socks or stockings made with tight knits that exert pressure by mechanical force on the lower limbs.

This venous compression from the ankle improves the return of venous blood. However, and for the compression to be uniform, the placement must be meticulous.

For optimal effectiveness, compression stockings should be worn all day long . They should therefore be put on as soon as you wake up (ideally before getting up), on dry skin. They guarantee significant comfort as well as a very rapid improvement in the condition of the legs. In the event of a medical prescription, compression stockings are covered by social security.

By respecting certain precautions

There are some measures that can help prevent and relieve the feeling of heavy legs. In particular, it is recommended:
  • Avoid exposing your legs to heat. This includes the sun, but also hot baths, underfloor heating, etc.
  • Take a cold shower , especially at the end of the day.
  • Eat a balanced diet and engage in regular physical activity to prevent weight gain and a sedentary lifestyle.
  • Avoid prolonged standing if possible.
  • Sleep with your legs slightly elevated to relieve discomfort associated with the sensation of heavy legs.
  • Limit the wearing of heels higher than 6 cm.
  • Do not wear clothes that are too tight around the waist, hips and legs. These can make blood circulation more difficult.
  • Avoid crossing your legs. https ://