Prévenir et limiter les impacts de la pollution sur la santé

Prevent and limit the impacts of pollution on health

Nov 22, 2023

Air pollution is a major public health concern globally. It can lead to respiratory illnesses, cardiovascular problems and other serious health conditions. In order to minimize these risks, it is essential to adopt natural preventive measures.

Protect your skin against the harmful effects of pollution

The skin is likely to be affected by the harmful effects of pollution . Fortunately, there are natural ways to protect and strengthen it.

The first step is to regularly clean the skin to remove pollution particles that may have been deposited there. Choose gentle, natural cleansers and avoid those containing potentially harmful chemical ingredients.

It's important to nourish the skin with antioxidants, which can help it defend itself against free radicals generated by pollution. Antioxidants can be found in many skin care products, but they can also be obtained directly from food.

Colorful fruits and vegetables , nuts and seeds are good sources of antioxidants.

  • Apples: Rich in vitamins C and E, which have antioxidant properties.
  • Berries: Particularly rich in antioxidants, including anthocyanins and ellagic acids.
  • Spinach: Provides lutein, an antioxidant that can help protect skin against sun damage.

Hydration is essential to maintaining skin health. When skin is well hydrated, it has a better ability to serve as a barrier against environmental pollutants.

Depolluting plants to purify indoor air

The ability of depolluting plants to improve the air quality inside our homes and offices is a natural way to combat the effects of pollution. Indeed, certain plants have the extraordinary ability to filter and neutralize toxins present in the air.

The Areca , also known as the Indoor Palm, is an excellent choice. This palm is valued for its ability to release a large amount of oxygen while absorbing pollutants such as formaldehyde, benzene and trichlorethylene.

The Ficus , in addition to being a popular houseplant for its ease of maintenance, has remarkable air filtration capabilities. Ficus effectively removes chemicals such as ammonia, xylene and formaldehyde.

Aloe vera not only has benefits for the skin and health, but it is also capable of filtering major pollutants such as benzene and formaldehyde. Its ease of maintenance makes it a popular choice for interior depollution.

Plant depollution mechanism

Depolluting plants do their work through a process called photosynthesis . During this process, plants absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen, using energy from the sun. Plants can also absorb other gases, including pollutants, through their leaves and break them down into harmless substances.

Plant Pollutant absorbed
Areca Formaldehyde, Benzene, Trichlorethylene
Ficus Ammonia, Xylene, Formaldehyde
Aloe Vera Benzene, Formaldehyde

How to reduce exposure to global pollution in our daily environment

Starting by limiting our exposure to pollutants is an essential step towards prevention. This involves increased awareness of the environment around us. For example, avoiding places with significant air pollution , such as heavily trafficked or industrial areas. Likewise, exercising caution when handling household chemicals and choosing safer, environmentally friendly products can help reduce exposure.

Reduce exposure to indoor pollution

Indoor air quality is as important as outdoor air quality. Indoor pollution can come from a variety of sources, such as cleaning products, furniture and electrical appliances. To improve the air quality inside your home, limit the use of chemicals, maintain good ventilation, and use houseplants that can help filter the air.

Nutrition and hydration

Diet and hydration also play a vital role in protecting the body against the effects of pollution. A diet rich in antioxidants can help combat the damaging effects of free radicals generated by air pollution. Colorful fruits and vegetables, whole grains, legumes and fish are good sources of antioxidants. Hydration also promotes the elimination of toxins from the body. It is therefore essential to drink enough water throughout the day.

Adopt herbal medicine

Finally, herbal medicine can also be a natural solution to combat pollution. Certain plants such as thyme, ginseng or echinacea are known for their detoxifying properties and can help prevent the effects of pollution on the body.


Air pollution is a major challenge that has implications for our well-being and health. By taking proactive steps, we can reduce the harmful effects of pollution on our bodies. It's not a simple task, but by combining different aspects of our lives we can build a natural defense against pollution.

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