L’importance de la nutrition pour l’équilibre mental

The Importance of Nutrition for Mental Balance

Oct 08, 2024

Today, mental health is a real issue, and more particularly disorders such as anxiety and depression are increasingly highlighted. And in the process of good mental health, nutrition is often neglected despite its important role. What is the impact of nutrition on mental balance? Discover in this article the answer to this question as well as advice for a suitable diet for good balance.


The positive effects of good nutrition on mental balance

Mood improvement

One of the first positive effects of good nutrition on mental health is simply the improvement of mood . Indeed, it has been seen that a balanced diet can have positive effects on mental balance: a better mood, less stress and anxiety, an improvement in the prevention and management of the signs of depression.

Reducing stress and anxiety

Various studies conducted to date prove that people who regularly consume foods rich in antioxidants are less likely to be subject to depression. They provide protection to brain cells and thus allow a reduction in stress and anxiety .

Improving cognitive abilities

In addition, adopting good nutrition has an impact on cognitive functions , such as memory and concentration. To improve cognitive function , it is advisable to turn to foods rich in omega-3 and antioxidants. Also, remember to hydrate properly to avoid concentration problems.

Key Foods for Good Mental Health


Omega-3 fatty acids play an important role when it comes to mental health. In addition to their inflammatory properties, these elements are essential for the structure of cell membranes in the brain . You can opt for fatty fish like salmon, mackerel, or sardines. And for vegans, there are also options: walnuts, chia seeds, flax seeds for example. Incorporate these foods for a better mood and more efficient cognitive abilities.



Second category of key elements for good mental health: antioxidants . Their role is to protect brain cells against oxidative damage caused by free radicals . You can find them in colorful fruits and vegetables: such as berries (blueberries, raspberries, strawberries), citrus fruits (oranges, lemons), or spinach and broccoli. By incorporating a mixture of these foods into your daily life, consuming a variety of these foods helps reduce the risk of mental disorders and improve cognitive health .

Probiotics and prebiotics

The gut is our second brain. So, logically, intestinal health and mental health are linked . So, for a healthy intestinal microbiome, it is recommended to include probiotics in your diet, contained in particular in fermented foods (kefir, sauerkraut, kimchi, miso, kombucha). These will indeed help reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression. Prebiotics are also important: they feed the good intestinal bacteria. You will find them in bananas, artichokes, asparagus, but also garlic and onions, for example. Thanks to this mix of probiotics and prebiotics, treat yourself to healthy digestion !


Complex carbohydrates

Finally, if we had to mention one last category of key elements for good mental health, it would undoubtedly be complex carbohydrates . These allow the brain to function in a stable and sustainable manner, maintaining constant energy levels, unlike refined sugars, which will cause spikes and drops in blood sugar. In which foods can you find complex carbohydrates? In quinoa, brown rice, oats or even wholemeal bread, quite simply! So, for a stable mood and good concentration , focus on complex carbohydrates.


Some practical tips for good daily nutrition

Balancing your plate

Each of your meals should contain a variety of foods that will provide you with all the nutrients you need. To give you a little more insight, here's what each meal should contain: a serving of protein, healthy fats, complex carbohydrates, and fruits and/or vegetables rich in vitamins and minerals . Feel free to have fun combining different food groups and varying the types of foods used.


Limit processed foods

Thinking about your meals is one thing for good nutrition, but you also need to reduce your consumption of processed foods and refined sugars . Indeed, these are often particularly high in calories, but low in nutrients. For your snack, choose for example fresh fruit, nuts, raw vegetables or a slice of wholemeal bread and avocado rather than industrial snacks. In this way, you will have a good intake of vitamins, minerals and fiber, while reducing the intake of sugars and saturated fats .

Stay hydrated

Finally, it is no secret that good hydration is essential for the proper functioning of the brain. For a sedentary person, 8 glasses of water per day is a recommended amount, while it will be necessary to increase the number for a more physically active person. In addition to water, you can also include drinks such as infusions or tea in your daily life, which may have additional properties depending on their composition. (For example, chamomile is known for its soothing properties, facilitating quality sleep and reducing stress.)

Think about recipes or typical menus

To give you some ideas for good nutrition, here are some comprehensive suggestions, which should provide you with everything you need on a daily basis:

For breakfast:

  • Oatmeal with berries, chia seeds and a handful of nuts. Oats are rich in complex carbohydrates (great for sustained energy), while berries and chia seeds provide a mix of antioxidants and omega-3s.
  • A plain yogurt with a sliced ​​banana and peanut butter. The yogurt provides probiotics (for gut health), the banana provides prebiotics, the peanut butter provides vitamins, fiber, potassium.


For lunch:

  • A salad made with quinoa, baby spinach, cherry tomatoes, chickpeas, avocado, and tuna, all topped with an olive oil-based vinaigrette. This type of meal provides all the right things: protein, fiber, healthy fats.
  • A piece of grilled salmon accompanied by rice and green vegetables. As seen above, salmon is an excellent source of omega-3, great for mental health.


For the snack:

  • An apple and a handful of almonds. Almonds are a source of healthy fats and magnesium, while apples are rich in fiber and antioxidants.
  • A smoothie made with seasonal fruits and vegetables. Vitamins, minerals, fiber, continue your day serenely with this complete drink.


For dinner:

  • A piece of roasted chicken with baked sweet potatoes and steamed broccoli. The chicken provides lean protein, the sweet potatoes provide complex carbohydrates, and the broccoli provides essential vitamins and minerals.
  • A portion of sauerkraut or fried rice with vegetables and tempeh. Rich in probiotics, fermented foods are increasingly popular!



In conclusion, we can say that nutrition plays an essential role in maintaining mental balance. A diet rich in essential nutrients (omega-3, antioxidants, probiotics, prebiotics, complex carbohydrates) can have benefits for good mental health, including: improved mood, reduced stress and anxiety, prevention of depression, strengthening cognitive functions. So what are you waiting for to adopt good eating habits for your general well-being?

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