L'importance des espaces verts en milieu urbain pour la santé

The importance of green spaces in urban areas for health

Apr 26, 2024

Urban green spaces, such as parks, community gardens or even green roofs, indeed offer a multitude of benefits for our general well-being.

Improving air quality through green spaces

Trees and plants absorb pollutants through their leaves and bark, helping to create cleaner, healthier air for all of us.

Green spaces are also fantastic carbon sinks , meaning they absorb carbon dioxide (CO2), a greenhouse gas, and release oxygen. This happens through photosynthesis, the process by which plants convert CO2 and sunlight into energy to grow.

The more green spaces a city has, the better its air quality! Green spaces are a real lung for our cities, absorbing harmful pollutants and producing vital oxygen.

How green spaces modulate the urban climate

It is necessary to understand that trees and other plants absorb carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, during photosynthesis. This absorption helps reduce the overall concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere and thus helps moderate temperatures in cities. In addition, tree leaves release water into the atmosphere through a process called transpiration, which in turn has a cooling effect.

In simpler terms, plants and trees in urban green areas act as natural air conditioners. They absorb the sun’s energy, cool the air and create a cooler microclimate. This process is all the more necessary in densely populated city centers where concrete and asphalt absorb the sun’s heat, resulting in what is known as an “urban heat island.”

Moreover, these green spaces also contribute to the reduction of harmful air pollutants. In fact, plants absorb other harmful gases such as carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, and nitrogen dioxide. This leads to a significant improvement in the quality of the air we breathe, which is beneficial for our health.

Urban biodiversity promoted by green spaces

They play an important role in improving our quality of life, both physically and mentally. It is a fact that these natural spaces can greatly influence urban biodiversity.

From an ecological point of view, green spaces are valuable refuges for many species of animals and plants. They are home to a wide variety of species, from birds and insects to small mammals.

A rich and diverse ecosystem creates an immersion effect in nature, which is known to have therapeutic effects. Various studies have shown that regular contact with natural environments can help reduce stress , improve mood and increase the feeling of well-being. A simple walk in an urban park can be a great way to recharge your batteries and reconnect with nature.

Urban green spaces are important places for socialisation. They provide spaces where people can meet, share, play and relax, fostering a sense of community and belonging. They can also be used for educational activities, such as teaching respect for nature and biodiversity.

By providing a diversity of habitats, green spaces can contribute to climate regulation in cities, mitigating some of the effects of urban heat islands and helping to filter air pollutants.

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