La thyroïde chez les nourrissons et les enfants : comprendre l'hypothyroïdie et l'hyperthyroïdie

Thyroid in children

Oct 15, 2024

The thyroid is a small butterfly-shaped gland located at the base of the neck. Although discreet, it still plays a crucial role in the proper functioning of the body. And in children, its proper functioning is even more important. But when and why should the thyroid be monitored in young children? Discover the answers to these questions and much more information on the subject of the thyroid in children in this article.


The thyroid and its role in children

The thyroid is a small gland located at the base of the neck, shaped like a butterfly . It produces hormones called thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3), which are essential for controlling the body's metabolism . In particular, they help regulate functions such as growth, body temperature and heart rate.

And in children, these hormones are particularly important for regulating metabolism , but also for bone formation and intellectual development . If a child's thyroid does not function properly, this can cause problems with growth and development.

Thyroid disorders in children

Hypothyroidism: When the thyroid functions slowly

Among the most common thyroid problems in children, we find first and foremost hypothyroidism . This is a phenomenon that occurs when the thyroid does not produce enough hormones . There are mainly two forms of hypothyroidism:

  • Congenital hypothyroidism : present from birth , it affects approximately 1 in 3,000 to 4,000 newborns. In France, this problem is systematically screened in babies a few days after birth using a blood test (called the Guthrie test). If it is not detected and treated quickly, it can lead to delayed intellectual and motor development. But with early diagnosis and adequate treatment, a child can grow normally.
  • Acquired hypothyroidism : This is when hypothyroidism occurs during childhood , usually around the age of 6 or 7. This form is often due to an autoimmune disease: an inflammation of the thyroid. Severe fatigue, slowed growth, dry skin, unexplained weight gain or concentration problems are all symptoms of this condition.

Hyperthyroidism: When the thyroid goes into overdrive

Conversely, hyperthyroidism is when the thyroid produces too many hormones . Which then has the effect of speeding up all the functions of the body . Although this condition is less common in children , it can cause just as many problems when it is the case. Hyperthyroidism can be due to Graves' autoimmune disease . And the symptoms of this thyroid problem can be: hyperactivity, easy irritability, rapid heart rate, hand tremors, but also weight loss for no reason.


When and why monitor the thyroid in children?

From birth

As seen above, thyroid problems such as congenital hypothyroidism can appear from birth. This is why screening is essential to avoid any risk of problems concerning the child's development . This is also why in many countries (including France), each newborn is tested in the days following birth. In this way, the vast majority of affected children can receive appropriate treatment from the beginning of their lives: enough to allow them to grow normally.

Children at risk

Later in life, some children may develop thyroid problems. Children born prematurely , those affected by autoimmune diseases , or those with a family history of thyroid disorders are generally at higher risk of developing thyroid problems.

What signs should alert you?

Children need to stay vigilant about their thyroid health throughout their lives. And to help you identify potential problems, here are some signs to look for that may indicate thyroid dysfunction in children:

  • Stunted growth or being shorter than normal for age
  • Unusual tiredness or lack of energy
  • Unexplained weight gain
  • Problems concentrating or having difficulty at school
  • Changes in mood or behavior

Please note that these symptoms do not always mean that there is a thyroid problem, but if they persist, it is advisable to consult a doctor .

How to diagnose thyroid disorders in children?

To diagnose thyroid disorders in children, several clinical examinations and specific medical tests can be conducted. To guide you on this subject, here is a detailed overview of the major key stages of diagnosis.

The clinical examination

The first step in diagnosing thyroid disorders is the clinical examination : this is simply the symptoms observed by the parents or the doctor. To make this first diagnosis, the most common signs can be all those mentioned a few paragraphs earlier in this article. And during the clinical examination, the doctor will also generally palpate the neck area . This can help detect an enlarged thyroid in children.


Blood tests

Once this clinical examination is completed, blood tests are the next step. These are in fact the main tests used to diagnose thyroid disorders. These blood tests measure the levels of hormones in the blood , mainly: TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) , free T4 (thyroxine) and free T3 (triiodothyronine) .


Thyroid ultrasound

In addition to blood tests, the doctor may also request an ultrasound of the thyroid . This examination aims to assess the main characteristics of the child's gland , namely the size, shape and structure. And it also allows to identify abnormalities such as an enlarged thyroid or thyroid nodules or masses, although quite rare in children.


Autoimmunity tests

As you now know, some thyroid disorders can be caused by autoimmune diseases . To confirm an autoimmune cause, specific blood tests are performed to look for antibodies directed specifically against the thyroid.

What are the treatments for thyroid disorders?


To treat hypothyroidism , it's quite simple: it involves taking thyroid hormone tablets daily, replacing those that the thyroid does not produce naturally. This is a generally very effective treatment that allows the child to regain normal growth and development. However, regular medical monitoring is essential to monitor the progress of the disorder and adjust the doses according to the child's progress.


Hyperthyroidism , on the other hand, is more complex to treat . Treatment for this condition may include antithyroid medications to reduce the thyroid's production of hormones. But it may also require surgery to remove part of the gland , or in some cases, radioactive iodine to destroy part of the thyroid .


A child's thyroid health should be monitored throughout their life to ensure trouble-free development. In this way, thyroid disorders such as hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism can be detected and treated properly to allow the child to live a full and healthy life. So if you have any doubts or questions about your child's thyroid health, do not hesitate to consult a doctor!

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