Tout savoir sur la thérapie par le sel

All about salt therapy

Oct 06, 2024

Salt therapy, or halotherapy, is an alternative practice that is attracting more and more people for its multiple health benefits. This method, which consists of inhaling air saturated with microparticles of salt, offers beneficial effects for the respiratory system and the skin, while promoting a general feeling of well-being and relaxation. Are you interested? Find out everything you need to know about salt therapy here!


Where does halotherapy come from?

Salt therapy is a practice that dates back several centuries now. In fact, the first observations of the beneficial effect of salt on health date back to ancient times . At that time, salt caves were used to treat respiratory disorders .

Then, in the 19th century, in Poland (specifically in the Wieliczka mines), doctors noticed that salt miners had surprisingly low rates of respiratory diseases . In fact, it was after this, in 1843, that Polish physician Feliks Boczkowski published a book on the therapeutic benefits of salt mines.

Eventually, as a result of these observations, the first salt sanatoriums were opened in abandoned salt mines in Eastern Europe . Here, patients came to stay to treat their respiratory ailments.

What is halotherapy?

Today more than ever, we know that salt has interesting antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and mucolytic properties. And the principle of halotherapy is simply the inhaling of microparticles of dry salt. Find out more about salt therapy in this section.

How does halotherapy work?

  • Antibacterial and antifungal properties : Salt has natural properties that prevent the growth of bacteria and fungi. As a result, it will help cleanse both the respiratory tract and the skin.
  • A mucolytic effect : salt particles help to thin mucus, making it easier to clear from the airways. This can be very useful, especially for people with chronic respiratory diseases (asthma, bronchitis).
  • Reduced inflammation : Salt can help reduce inflammation in the airways and skin, improving breathing and soothing skin conditions.

What are the different types of halotherapy?

  • Salt rooms : These are rooms in which the walls, floor and sometimes even the ceiling are covered with salt. This is done using a special generator, called a halogenerator, which sprays micro-particles of salt into the air. Here, users can relax and breathe normally while the salt air takes effect, during sessions that can last from 30 to 60 minutes.
  • Salt caves : In this case, they are facilities designed to recreate the atmosphere of natural salt caves, with salt stalactites and stalagmites. Choose them for a truly immersive experience, and for the added benefits associated with the peaceful and relaxing environment.
  • Salt inhalers : This last one is the one that can be accessed the most easily. These are in fact portable devices that contain salt crystals. They allow direct inhalation of dry salt. Generally used at home, they are especially practical for daily use.

What are the benefits of salt therapy?

If salt therapy is gaining followers these days, it is because it offers many health benefits, whether they are respiratory, skin or for general well-being. Discover more about the benefits of halotherapy in this section.

Respiratory benefits

The main benefit of halotherapy is improved breathing . In fact, as mentioned above, salt microparticles will help to thin mucus and thus clean the airways. In addition, salt helps reduce inflammation and eliminate viruses present in the human body, thanks to its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, for easier breathing.

Speaking of breathing, halotherapy is recommended for people with asthma or allergies . Indeed, this practice can not only reduce the frequency and severity of asthma attacks, but it can also reduce the symptoms of allergies, whether seasonal or chronic.

And for people prone to sinusitis and bronchitis , salt therapy helps relieve these inflammations by unclogging the airways, facilitating the expulsion of mucus, or reducing inflammation of the bronchi.

Benefits for the skin

Halotherapy also has interesting benefits for the skin , especially for treating skin conditions (such as psoriasis or eczema ). Due to the anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties of salt, salt therapy can relieve itching and irritation. In addition, the salt will help improve the appearance and texture of the affected area, by removing dead skin cells.

Halotherapy is also beneficial for people suffering from acne . This alternative practice will help reduce bacterial proliferation on the skin, preventing breakouts and reducing inflammation.

Finally, salt is also known to help treat blackheads and other blemishes by deeply cleaning the pores.

Benefits for general well-being

Aside from the physical benefits of salt therapy, it is also said to offer benefits for general well-being and relaxation . Indeed, since a halotherapy session is done in a calm environment, this type of practice promotes relaxation and helps reduce tension, stress or anxiety . Some people even manage to enter a state of meditation and relaxation during a halotherapy session, due to the combination of salt air and a peaceful setting. And this deep relaxation combined with improved breathing contributes to having a restful, quality sleep .

And many other benefits

Finally, salt therapy can also have a positive effect on the immune system . This is explained by the various points already mentioned above: improved breathing and blood circulation, reduced presence of bacteria, reduced inflammation.

Finally, thanks to its purifying properties, salt helps eliminate toxins from the body . In short, we can say that halotherapy allows you to have better general health .


In conclusion, salt therapy offers a natural and complementary approach to improve various aspects of health. Its historical roots have led to a modern practice that benefits from technology to maximize its effects. The respiratory, skin and psychological benefits of halotherapy are now appreciated throughout the world. By integrating this practice into a holistic approach to health, halotherapy can help improve quality of life and promote overall well-being.

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