Quelle vitamine prendre pour l’arthrose ?

What vitamin to take for osteoarthritis?

May 02, 2022

What is osteoarthritis?

Osteoarthritis is a joint disease which leads to the destruction of cartilage, but which can be relieved thanks to natural remedies or food supplements, you still need to know which vitamin to take for osteoarthritis. This disease affects 10 million French people, 65% of whom are over 65 years old. Cartilage covers the bony ends of a joint. When functional, the entire joint structure allows the cartilages to slide between them to ensure good mobility of the skeletal structures. But in the case of osteoarthritis, the cartilage has a reduced thickness. It is therefore weakened and as friction increases, it cracks and disappears. This is how osteoarthritis will affect mobility and will be responsible for discomfort and pain. Note: Osteoarthritis can affect all joints (spine, fingers, knee, hip, etc.).

What are the causes of osteoarthritis?

Osteoarthritis is a pathological process largely linked to age. But the risk is increased by the presence of diabetes, obesity, too much pressure or mechanical stress exerted on the cartilage (overweight, carrying a heavy load, too intense physical activity, etc.). In addition, there are joint diseases responsible for osteoarthritis. This is the case for chondrocalcinosis (manifested by calcium deposits in the cartilage), osteonecrosis (degeneration of the bone structure) and rheumatoid arthritis (inflammatory joint disease). An unsuitable, unbalanced or insufficient diet can also be responsible for weakening the cartilage.

Cartilage Physiology

Cartilage is a non-vascularized and non-innervated tissue (absence of blood vessels and nerves). It draws its nutrients from the synovial fluid that surrounds it, thanks to its porous structure. It is composed of chondrocytes and an extracellular matrix (ECM). This ECM is made up of type II collagen fibers and molecules (glycoproteins and proteoglycans) which will retain water like a sponge, making the tissue elastic and will help maintain the integrity of this structure. ECM renewal is very slow and chondrocytes are quiescent cells that divide very little. As we age, the cartilage tissue becomes depleted of chondrocytes and will become thinner. The proteoglycans will weaken, making the tissue less resistant to shock and pressure.

How to get rid of osteoarthritis for good?

Unfortunately, to date, there are only symptomatic treatments aimed at relieving pain. Science is shedding light on the usefulness of stem cells in cartilage regeneration. However, today, this treatment is not developed and is not sufficiently mastered to control the cellular differentiation of stem cells. Surgery may be possible in certain cases. Corrective osteotomy corresponds to a surgical section of one or more bones and skeletal repositioning. This method allows you to postpone the symptoms for a few years. A joint prosthesis may subsequently be proposed.

What is the most effective product for osteoarthritis?

Drug treatments

The analgesics most used in the case of osteoarthritis are those based on paracetamol. In the event of an inflammatory flare-up, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) may be prescribed and administered orally or in the form of gel or ointment. In certain cases, the doctor may prescribe corticosteroid injections directly into the joint (limited to three injections per year for the same joint).

Therapeutic treatments

Other therapeutic approaches exist, notably the injection of hyaluronic acid into the joint, joint washing (for the knee joint) which allows cartilaginous debris to be evacuated from the joint, with physiological serum under anesthesia local. Physiotherapy can be prescribed, it does not cure osteoarthritis, but coupled with taking painkillers, it improves the patients' lifestyle.

What food supplement or vitamin to take for osteoarthritis?

Certain food supplements available on the market have been designed to prevent joints from aging and protect them over the long term. As are certain vitamins that can relieve pain, but it is essential to know which vitamin to take for osteoarthritis. However, no dietary supplement can treat osteoarthritis. Among them, you can find collagen sold in different forms. As an integral part of the composition of cartilage, collagen supplementation helps support the joint process. Glucosamine and chondroitin, substances which are part of the composition of cartilage, are also available on the food supplement market. In cases of osteoarthritis, they are no longer synthesized correctly; supplementation may be useful to slow down the degradation of cartilage, particularly at the start of osteoarthritis.

Please note, food supplements based on chondroitin and glucosamine are not recommended for certain people, in particular those who are sensitive to digestive or skin disorders, diabetics or prediabetics and asthmatics or people treated with vitamin K antagonists (Opinion of the ANSES, 2019). Phytotherapy is also present as a dietary supplement to contribute to joint well-being. This is the case of harpagophytum ( Harpagophytum procumbens ), also called “Devil's claw” which is said to have anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, notably thanks to its harpagoside content. Food supplements based on harpagophytum should be avoided in the event of treatment for hypertension, children under 12 years of age, as well as pregnant and breastfeeding women (Plants Order of June 24, 2014). Ginger root has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties thanks to its gingerol content. It can also be consumed as a decoction. However, ginger is not recommended for people under anticoagulant, hypoglycemic and antihypertensive treatment as well as for pregnant and breastfeeding women; dosages should be monitored.

What are the natural remedies to treat osteoarthritis?

To relieve or limit the progression of osteoarthritis, it is recommended to lose weight in case of excess (only for people suffering from overweight or obesity, there is no point in losing weight if it is not responsible for excess weight). The practice of regular physical activity adapted and of moderate intensity (apart from inflammatory outbreaks) is beneficial both for health and for the preservation of joints, it allows them to maintain their flexibility. Before any sporting activity, it is essential to warm up your body through gradual movement. During the warm-up, the body will gradually increase in temperature, creating conditions favorable to exercise for the joints and muscles.

In addition, the joints will gradually become lubricated thanks to the synovial fluid (necessary for their mobility and protection). Swimming is a sport with very low joint impact. Physical activity is often put aside in cases of osteoarthritis, as patients fear worsening their joint fragility. However, the movement of the joint will help transport nutrients dissolved in the synovial fluid (joint fluid) to the cartilage. Toxins are better evacuated. The joint tissue is therefore better preserved. However, it is necessary to choose a suitable physical activity. Tensions should be avoided, in particular carrying heavy loads, prolonged posture which increases pressure on the joint, etc. In the case of knee osteoarthritis, orthopedic insoles can help with ankle, knee and back stability. They rebalance the posture and limit the bad pressure that can be exerted on the joint. Certain essential oils have anti-inflammatory properties and help reduce pain in cases of osteoarthritis. This is the case with wintergreen essential oil ( Gaultheria fragrantissima ), which contains methyl salicylate, a derivative of aspirin. Lavender essential oil ( Lavandula angustifolia ) has analgesic, anti-inflammatory and relaxing properties thanks to the esters and monoterpenes it contains. Ointments help to locally limit inflammation and relieve pain.

This is the case of the 100% natural Arthroveda artisanal balm which combines phytotherapy and science for the well-being of joints and muscles. In addition to containing extracts of harpagophytum, wintergreen and ginger, this balm contains Comfrey ( Symphytum officinale ) which has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, turmeric ( Curcuma longa ) which is a powerful anti-inflammatory and beeswax. The best cure for osteoarthritis is to prevent it. Therefore, let's find out together which vitamin to take for osteoarthritis. You now know which type of food supplement to turn to to relieve your osteoarthritis and control its progression. All you have to do is get some. For this, you have several options, but they are fewer than if you were looking for simple vitamins. In fact, you can forget about the supermarket shelves , even if it is possible to find herbal supplements there to promote joint flexibility. As we told you in our previous section on the theme of what is the most effective food supplement against osteoarthritis , it is better to favor glucosamine and chondroitin. In a pinch, you may have a little better luck in the drugstore space, if there is one. We advise you instead to go to a store dedicated to dietary products . Now, where you will have more choice and where you will be sure to find your product, it is by ordering it on the internet . Of course, choose a reliable site that guarantees you quality food supplements. It is important not to take any risks with your health.

What diet in case of osteoarthritis?

Food should not be neglected in any case, it is a vector of health and well-being, especially when it is vitamin-based. In fact, you will quickly know that they are beneficial for calming pain, and especially which vitamin to take for osteoarthritis. A diet too rich in saturated fatty acids or trans fatty acids increases the inflammatory response. Be sure to limit fatty meats (2 red meats per week*), industrial dishes, pastries, industrial biscuits, fried foods, etc. Favor good fatty acids such as avocados (omega 6), white meats and fish (1 fatty fish and 1 lean fish per week*), vegetable oils, in particular rapeseed, flax and camelina oil rich in omega 3 (omega 3 has an anti-inflammatory action). Note: it is preferable to consume small fish (sardines, mackerel, anchovies) on a daily basis rather than large ones (tuna, salmon), because they are less affected by the absorption of heavy metals, therefore their flesh has less risk of 'be polluted. Foods labeled as antioxidants are beneficial in preventing cell oxidation. They concern foods rich in vitamin C (kiwi, orange, blueberry), beta-carotene (sweet potato, carrot, apricot), zinc (seafood), selenium (oilseeds including Brazil nuts which have a strong selenium content). Fruits and vegetables rich in potassium will help limit the acidity of the body, helping to protect the joints. Calcium and vitamin D are essential for osteoarticular health. Calcium is not only found in dairy products. Indeed, certain fruits and vegetables as well as oilseeds have interesting calcium contents that should not be neglected. Vitamin D is present in fatty fish and certain oilseeds.

It is also synthesized in contact with the sun, remember to take a vacation! Now that you know which vitamin to take for osteoarthritis, don't forget that excess sugar, salt, alcohol and coffee should be avoided, because they are acidifying (responsible for an unfavorable environment for the joints) . Hydration is essential and is an integral part of good food hygiene. Water helps thin the blood and thus allows the proper transport of nutrients and oxygen in the body. It contributes to the elimination of metabolic waste and the regulation of body temperature. It is therefore beneficial for joint health. It is recommended to drink between 1 and 2 liters of water per day. * Recommendation from the PNNS (National Nutrition and Health Program)

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