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Focus on the ketogenic diet

Feb 02, 2024

This dietary formula is generally associated with rapid and effective weight loss. However, it offers much more than that. Whether you want to lower your blood sugar levels, improve your heart health, or increase your energy, the ketogenic diet could be a great option for you.

Understanding the Ketogenic Diet: Definition and Principles

The ketogenic diet , often nicknamed "keto", comes from the word "ketosis". This special metabolic condition occurs when the body does not have enough glucose for energy and therefore must burn stored fat. The main concept of this diet is reduced carbohydrate intake and increased fat.

In general, this diet involves consuming less than 50 grams of carbohydrates per day. This is much less than the amount recommended by most nutrition guides, which generally advise consuming 225 to 325 grams of carbohydrates per day. So, followers of the ketogenic diet mainly eat meat, fish, eggs, non-starchy vegetables like spinach and broccoli, as well as fats like olive oil and butter.

The Unsuspected Health Benefits of the Ketogenic Diet

The ketogenic diet is known for its ability to promote weight loss. The body, when in a state of ketosis, uses fat as its main source of energy instead of carbohydrates. This can lead to a decrease in body fat, especially when combined with regular exercise.

Some studies suggest that this diet could help improve various other aspects of health, including heart health. This may be because a high-fat diet can help reduce “bad” LDL cholesterol levels and increase “good” HDL cholesterol levels.

There is also evidence that any ketogenic diet formula can help control blood sugar levels. This is great news for those battling type 2 diabetes!

Ketogenic Diet: How It Works?

Successfully following a ketogenic diet requires preparation and a good understanding of the foods suitable for this diet.

Here are the essential steps to consider:

Have a clear understanding of allowed and prohibited foods

In a ketogenic diet, the emphasis is on foods high in healthy, minimally processed fats, such as avocados, fatty fish , nuts, and olive oils. Proteins, such as meat and eggs, are also included but in moderation. Furthermore, foods rich in carbohydrates, such as pasta, bread and sweets, should be avoided.

Plan your meals

Planning your meals in advance is essential to sticking to the ketogenic diet. This can help you avoid dietary mistakes and stay consistent in your calorie intake. There are meal planning apps and ketogenic recipe books that can make this process easier.

Hydration and food supplements

During the initial phase of this diet you may lose a lot of fluid, so good hydration is essential. Adding dietary supplements such as magnesium, potassium, and calcium can help prevent electrolyte imbalances.


This “nutritional ketosis” has amazing positive health implications, ranging from weight loss to managing various medical conditions. However, it is important to adopt it safely and effectively. This involves having a clear understanding of allowed and prohibited foods, planning your meals, and ensuring proper hydration and supplementation.

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