Quel magnésium prendre pour la fibromyalgie ?

What magnesium to take for fibromyalgia?

Apr 07, 2022

Did you know that there are simple treatments to relieve people with fibromyalgia?

In this article, you will know everything about fibromyalgia and in particular what magnesium to take for fibromyalgia.

Fibromyalgia: What is it?

Mrs P, aged around sixty, suffers from diffuse muscle pain and severe fatigue .

In 1991, she suffered a minor car accident. She began to develop chronic pain in her back and ankle.

In 2009, a deep pain developed in these lower extremities. Its pain is accentuated by touch or pressure, but relieved by rest and topical heat. These ailments affect his daily life, limiting his ability to perform physical exercise.

He was diagnosed with fibromyalgia (1).

This diagnosis was quickly accompanied by therapeutic treatment (gabapentin, venlafaxine, pregabalin and hydrocodone/acetaminophen).

Taking these many medications has led to significant side effects. Loss of energy, weight gain, occasional headaches, insomnia, occasional depressed mood… these are the results of the last few years.

Fibromyalgia in a few words

First of all, fibromyalgia, or fibromyalgia syndrome, is a disorder that affects the daily lives of people who suffer from it. It is a clinical syndrome which results in chronic pain, sleep disorders, depressive and anxiety symptoms.

Most people don't really understand fibromyalgia. The pain is invisible, it is similar to tension or deep muscle pain.

“For me, it's mostly a dull, deep pain throughout my body. I never know how my day will turn out. I feel like I have an expiration date on me. I feel good mentally, but my body is letting me down” confides Mrs. P.

Fibromyalgia in a few figures

Fibromyalgia is the second most common “rheumatic” disorder, behind osteoarthritis.

Thus, it has been recognized by the WHO as a pathology since 1990. The WHO classifies it among disorders of the musculoskeletal system and psychiatric conditions.

In France, 1.6% of the population suffers from fibromyalgia. It generally affects women aged 30 to 50, but men, children and adolescents can also be affected. May 12 is World Fibromyalgia Day.

To find out more on the subject, discover our article on Fibromyalgia disease .

What are the different types of magnesium?

In many fibromyalgia patients, a relatively low level of magnesium has been demonstrated.

Magnesium is a vital element for the functioning of our body's cells. It helps our cells use the energy available to our body. It participates in the activity of certain hormones (such as insulin). It allows the preservation of the bone structure. It is essential for the neuromuscular transmission of nerve impulses as well as for the regulation of heart rate. It is involved in stimulating the immune system and the body's reactivity to stress. A deficiency therefore risks being responsible for fatigue, muscle cramps and insomnia. Resolving this deficiency is not just a matter of taking the first magnesium-based food supplement.

Indeed, there are different forms of magnesium on the food supplement market. Some have better assimilation, others can be responsible for more or less pronounced digestive disorders (acidifiers, laxatives). The dosages will vary, and some offer a form of magnesium linked to one or more other elements promoting its assimilation by the body. Which magnesium to choose? What dosage? Which magnesium is best assimilated? What magnesium complex?

Here are the different forms of magnesium that you can find on the market: marine magnesium, magnesium sulfate, magnesium hydroxide, magnesium chloride, magnesium glutamate, magnesium taurinate, magnesium aspartate, magnesium citrate, magnesium lactate, malate of magnesium, magnesium threonate, magnesium glycerophosphate and magnesium bisglycinate.

To find out more about natural treatments for fibromyalgia, discover our 16 natural remedies here

Which magnesium is the most effective?

Here is a short description of the different forms of magnesium that exist on the market. The advantages and disadvantages are not exhaustive and may vary depending on each individual.

Magnesium bisglycinate consists of the element magnesium bonded to the amino acid glycine. It is a form that is highly assimilable by the body, and in general, the best supported by the digestive sphere.

Magnesium glycerophosphate consists, this time, of the element magnesium linked to phosphorus. This form is generally well tolerated by the body, but should be avoided in cases of kidney failure, which may be responsible for phospho-ammoniaco-magnesium crystals.

Magnesium malate combines magnesium with an organic acid, malic acid. This acid is naturally present in small quantities in fruits and vegetables. Side effects have been noted such as insomnia or digestive disorders due to its laxative effect.

Magnesium taurinate combines magnesium with taurine. This complex has a role as a membrane stabilizer and transport of magnesium inside cells. This form has an interesting bioavailability at the cerebral level.

Magnesium citrate combines magnesium with citric acid. It is a form that regulates the acidity of the body, but can have a laxative effect in some people. Therefore, when supplementing with magnesium citrate, it is recommended to hydrate well.

Magnesium lactate , one of the most common forms in food supplements, combines magnesium with lactic acid. Many digestive disorders have been reported, such as nausea, vomiting or stomach aches. It is best to consume it during a meal.

Magnesium aspartate and glutamate are two forms that combine magnesium with an amino acid (aspartic acid and glutamic acid). These amino acids are widely distributed in the diet. Although they have an interesting role on the central nervous system, it is best not to overuse them.

Magnesium sulfate is a form that combines magnesium with a salt, sulfate. It only provides 10% magnesium.

Magnesium threonate is a chemical form that easily crosses the BBB (Blood-Brain Barrier).

Marine magnesium comes from the sea. It is a natural form which binds magnesium with several organic salts (mainly oxide and chloride). Although this form claims to be “natural”, it has low to medium bioavailability.

What dosage of magnesium?

When supplementing, the magnesium dosage will depend on each individual (child, adolescent, man, woman, pregnancy, breastfeeding, elderly, etc.) and the level of the deficiency. Pay attention to elements that limit its absorption.

This is the case for phytates (present in wheat bran and whole grain foods) and oxalates (present in certain fruits and vegetables such as spinach and rhubarb).

Soluble fiber will increase magnesium assimilation . Waters rich in magnesium should preferably be consumed during meals. Alcohol increases magnesium leakage in urine. Diuretics also risk increasing renal elimination of magnesium and causing a deficiency.

After looking at the different magnesium dosages, let's find out more about which magnesium to take for fibromyalgia.

What magnesium to take for fibromyalgia?

Several studies highlight the benefit of magnesium supplementation in fibromyalgia patients. The purpose of this article is to guide you in knowing which magnesium to take for fibromyalgia.

A study, carried out in 2013, sought to establish the relationship between magnesium levels and fibromyalgia symptoms (2). She also sought to determine the effect of magnesium citrate treatment on these symptoms.

To do this, the study compared the improvement in fibromyalgia symptoms in three groups. The first having received a supplement of 300 mg per day of magnesium citrate. The second received 10 mg per day of amitriptyline (active substance used in the treatment of neuropathic pain and as an antidepressant). And the third group received supplementation with 300 mg of magnesium citrate and 10 mg of amitriptyline per day.

The findings reveal a significant effect of magnesium supplementation alone on the pain and intensity of fibromyalgia. Magnesium citrate supplementation combined with amitriptyline has demonstrated significant improvements in overall fibromyalgia symptoms.

Another study, carried out in 1995, evaluated the benefit of magnesium malate supplementation in fibromyalgia patients (3). Significant improvement in pain and sensitivity was reported. However, it is important to take into account the advantages and disadvantages of each form of magnesium. It will sometimes be necessary to test different forms depending on each person's tolerances before determining which magnesium to take for fibromyalgia.

The elements to take into account are:

  • The actual magnesium content of the product;
  • Its bioavailability (relative to the rate of absorption by the body) which will vary depending on the form of magnesium used;
  • Its impact on the acid-base balance of the body (acidifying or alkalizing);
  • And its effects on the digestive sphere

The costs of these different forms of magnesium will also vary. The dosage/quality/price ratio should not be neglected depending on the supplements you find on the market.

magnesium pill

Which vitamin for fibromyalgia?

Now that you know more about the question of which magnesium to take for fibromyalgia, let's discover together that vitamins can be useful in the treatment of people with fibromyalgia. Notable vitamin deficiencies have been noted in fibromyalgia patients .

This is the case for some B vitamins, notably B12 which is involved in the functioning of the cerebral sphere and musculoskeletal pain.

Vitamin D is also present at lower levels in these patients. This vitamin is important in immune function and bone turnover. Vitamin B12 and D supplementation will require taking into consideration a certain number of factors, just like magnesium supplementation.

We will not detail this point here. Other vitamins may be of interest, such as vitamin C to improve symptoms of fatigue.

What natural treatment for fibromyalgia?

Natural treatments are there, not to cure fibromyalgia , but to improve the comfort and quality of life of subjects suffering from fibromyalgia. Some homeopathic treatments exist that are said to be beneficial in improving fatigue, pain and anxiety.

However, the effectiveness on fibromyalgia does not seem convincing, and the scientific evidence for symptom improvements is rather thin. Many food supplements can be recommended in cases of fibromyalgia syndrome.

Such as melatonin for sleep, coenzyme Q10 for fatigue, magnesium, vitamin D, B12, L-tryptophan for deficiencies. Furthermore, 5-HTP as a precursor of serotonin (hormone involved in the nervous system, deficient in patients with fibromyalgia). Collagen to maintain the elasticity of connective tissues (tendons, joints, etc.). Vitamin C to boost the immune system and the body's general energy.

For example, our Cell Complex immune system boost , composed of vitamins B8 and B12, could be recommended to you depending on your fibromyalgia symptoms.

Likewise, stress and anxiety disorders linked to fibromyalgia can be relieved through the use of our full-spectrum organic hemp oil.

Some use hydrotherapy or balneotherapy to help with relaxation, relax muscles and ease pain and tension in the body. Spa treatments reserved specifically for people with fibromyalgia exist. Studies have demonstrated the benefits of acupuncture and massage on illness-related fatigue and anxiety (4).

Find our complete article on the different treatments for fibromyalgia .

Bibliographic references:

(1). Daniel J. Clauw. Fibromyalgia. A Clinical Review. Clinical Review & Education. Clinical Crossroads. JAMA. 2014;311(15):1547-1555.

(2). Bagis, S.; Karabiber, M.; As, I.; Tamer, L.; Erdogan, C.; Atalay, A. Is magnesium citrate treatment effective on pain, clinical parameters and functional status in patients with fibromyalgia? Rheumatol. Int . 2013, 33, 167–172.

(3). Russell, IJ; Michalek, JE; Flechas, JD; Abraham, GE Treatment of fibromyalgia syndrome with super malic: A randomized, double blind, placebo controlled, crossover pilot study. J. Rheumatol. 1995, 22, 953–958.

(4). Richard L. Nahin et al. Evidence-Based Evaluation of Complementary Health Approaches for Pain Management in the United States. Mayo Clinic Proceedings 2016; 91; 1292 - 1306.

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