Céline, 34 ans, migraineuse sévère

Céline, 34, severe migraine sufferer

Apr 09, 2021

My name is Céline, I'm 34, and I've had a migraine since I was 18. Before being diagnosed, I had never heard of this pathology . However, my two grandmothers had suffered from migraines in the past, but they had told me little or nothing about it. And no one of my generation had migraines in my family.

My first seizures occurred after a major skiing accident.

It was excessively painful, but I thought it was going to pass, that my body was taking time to recover from the accident. Seeing that the situation was not improving, and that these crises had an increasingly strong impact on my life (I was then in preparatory classes, and my absences multiplied), I made an appointment with my general practitioner, who sent me to the neurologist. What was my surprise, even my disappointment, when the diagnosis fell: migraine?!? It can't be that, what I have, is very painful and very impactful. This surprise was followed by a learning phase, therapeutic education. I then understood that migraine was a real chronic neurological disease, and had nothing to do with the headache that passes as it came. I also understood that it was a complex, multifactorial disease, and that I had to get to know it in order to tame it. I quickly realized that there would be a before and an after as well, and I must admit that I have missed the carelessness of this before a lot since I was 18 years old.

My early years as a migraine sufferer

I felt overwhelmed, I didn't control anything at all, the crises came at the worst time (during competitions, on birthdays, etc.). I didn't see a positive outcome to all of this because on top of that I felt absolutely useless during the consultation: I couldn't describe precisely what was happening to me to the doctor, and I left the consultation disappointed. I had the feeling of not having been able to express myself, that the doctor did not take the measure of the impact of the migraine on my life, and his prescription did not convince me.

Over time, I learned to better understand migraine, better manage it

Even if sometimes, certain crises put me on the mat by surprise. For me, migraine is a sword of Damocles that is perpetually above my head, and it is never totally absent from my thoughts. I'm often afraid that the situation will get worse, that the crises will be more and more frequent... but as soon as this fear arrives, I attach myself to the positive to force destiny. I also learned to better explain the situation to those close to me. That doesn't stop me from feeling guilty every time I can't be part of it. Relatives necessarily suffer indirectly. To reassure them and to give myself every chance, I prepare myself better and take part in the consultations: I arrive knowing what I expect from this consultation, in a process of collaboration with the neurologist. It is in particular thanks to the Apo Migraine application that I developed with my neurologist. And this application is both a tool to make me feel stronger in the face of migraine, and above all my revenge on this disease which literally fell on me. It gives me hope: I am convinced that if we migraine sufferers manage, thanks to these new tools, to better follow and better report on our pathology, then migraine will be taken more seriously and research will identify new treatments. I am sure that I will experience the discovery of a treatment that cures migraine, or greatly reduces its impact on the quality of life of millions of people. Together (patients, doctors, researchers), we will get there!

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