4 Astuces pour bien préparer la fin de l'hiver

4 Tips for preparing for the end of winter

Feb 27, 2024

The transition from winter to spring is not always easy for our body. Sleep problems, low energy, lack of motivation... These seasonal problems, which are very real, can nevertheless be reduced thanks to a few tips.

Tip 1: Understand the seasonal transition

Understanding the seasonal transition that occurs at the end of winter is essential to better prepare your body to welcome spring. This period, often marked by unpredictable weather and a gradual return of daylight, can affect our natural biorhythm and therefore our mood and energy.

The first step in coping with this transition is learning to listen to your body and recognize the signs of change. For example, you may begin to experience excessive fatigue despite getting enough sleep, or unexplainable irritability. It is important not to ignore these symptoms and to take steps to minimize their impact on your health and well-being.

Preparing for the end of winter must focus on a gradual adaptation of our lifestyle habits, particularly eating habits , our exposure to light and our sleep routine . Taking the time to understand and respect this transition can greatly help reduce its unwanted effects.

Tip 2: Food strategy for the end of winter

Hydration : In winter, we tend to feel less need to drink, because we sweat less. But hydration is essential for many functions in our body. As winter ends, remember to drink plenty of water.

Seasonal foods : Late winter vegetables and fruits, such as oranges, grapefruit, apples and pears, are rich in vitamins and antioxidants, which are beneficial for our immune system .

Finding the right balance : A balanced diet can help your body function optimally and prepare for the transition to spring. Try to eat a healthy dose of protein, carbohydrates and healthy fats with each meal.

Plan your meals : It's always a good idea to plan your meals in advance. This can help ensure that you are consuming a balanced and nutritious diet.

4 Tips for preparing for the end of winter

Tip 3: Light therapy: a solution to better experience the end of winter

The end of winter is often accompanied by a lack of light due to shorter days. This lack of light can sometimes cause a form of seasonal depression. Fortunately, there is a scientifically recognized solution to counter these effects: light therapy .

This method involves exposing yourself to artificial light, imitating sunlight. The goal is to stimulate the production of brain chemicals , such as serotonin (mood hormone) and melatonin (sleep hormone), to help the body feel more awake and energetic.

It is recommended to expose yourself to this light every day, for approximately 30 minutes. This is ideally done in the morning, to mimic natural daylight and prepare your body for the day.

Tip 4: Adapt your sleep routine for a smooth transition into spring

At the end of winter, the days gradually get longer. This development can impact your body clock , which relies on daylight to regulate sleep and wake cycles. Try to take advantage of natural light as much as possible during the day and reduce your exposure to light, especially from screens, in the evening.

Optimize your sleeping environment. Keep your bedroom at a cool temperature , around 18 degrees Celsius, to make it easier to sleep. Even as the days get longer, make sure your bedroom remains dark enough to promote quality sleep. Using blackout curtains can be a good solution to keep your bedroom dark.

Consider incorporating relaxation practices into your pre-bedtime routine, such as gentle stretching, reading, or meditation . This can help trigger sleep cues and facilitate a smooth transition to bedtime.


With a thorough understanding of the seasonal transition , an adapted nutritional strategy, the use of light therapy and an adjusted sleep routine, you can approach this period with confidence and vitality.

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