Combating the 3 main discomforts of menopause
Time to read 5 min
Time to read 5 min
Menopause is an inevitable stage in every woman’s life. Yet, over 85% of women going through this period will experience problematic symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats, sleep disturbances, mood swings or weight gain. Managing these symptoms is therefore a significant challenge for many women going through menopause. So, how can we better manage these uncomfortable symptoms?
Menopause is a natural stage in a woman's life, marking the end of the fertile window as well as menstrual cycles . It usually occurs around the age of 50 , although the age can vary from woman to woman. Menopause before the age of 40 is commonly referred to as "early menopause." The main cause of this hormonal transition is the significant reduction in female sex hormones, particularly estrogen and progesterone, which are initially produced by the ovaries. Every woman is born with a limited supply of ovarian follicles. When this supply is depleted, ovulation ceases, leading to a decrease and then cessation of hormone production.
Menopause is diagnosed by the absence of menstruation for a period of 12 months in a woman around the age of 50. No specific medical examination is necessary to make this diagnosis, although symptoms can often be experienced during the period before menopause (called premenopause or perimenopause).
The symptoms of menopause can vary, including hot flashes, changes in sleep, mood swings, vaginal dryness, headaches, etc. Far from being harmless, these symptoms can quickly cause significant inconvenience in daily life.
Hot flashes are among the most common symptoms of menopause. These vasomotor manifestations affect more than 80% of women during menopause and are often the main reason for seeking treatment.
Hot flashes are mainly manifested by:
The duration of these hot flashes varies, ranging from 30 seconds to two minutes. They can be spontaneous or triggered by various factors such as spicy foods, hot drinks, alcohol, caffeine or stress. Initially, they tend to occur at night, disrupting the quality of sleep. However, they can also occur during the day. Although these symptoms can last a few months, they can persist for 5 to 7 years, or even 15 years or more in some cases.
To effectively combat hot flashes, there are various strategies and approaches to consider. First of all, dietary changes can play a significant role. It is therefore recommended to avoid spicy foods, limit alcohol and caffeine consumption, and favor fresher drinks and foods. Maintaining a balanced diet also remains essential.
In addition, several alternative medicines have shown efficacy in treating hot flashes. Hypnosis and cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) are promising approaches. Hypnosis, in particular, has consistent evidence of clinically significant reductions in hot flashes. Studies have shown that hypnosis intervention resulted in significant reductions (50% or more) in hot flashes and their associated symptoms. These alternative methods thus offer additional options for women seeking relief from the discomforts associated with menopause, in addition to lifestyle changes and traditional medical treatments.
In addition to the discomfort of hot flashes and night sweats, hormonal changes associated with menopause can disrupt sleep. The resulting insomnia can negatively impact alertness and memory, affecting daily quality of life .
To ensure quality sleep and promote restful rest, there are several steps that can be taken. First of all, it is essential to establish a regular sleep routine by going to bed and waking up at set times. Creating a comfortable sleep environment is just as crucial, by ensuring that the room temperature is appropriate and that the bedroom is completely dark.
Stress management also plays a fundamental role in the quality of sleep. Relaxation techniques such as meditation or deep breathing can help calm the mind and reduce anxiety that disrupts sleep.
Additionally, regular exercise is beneficial because it can help improve sleep quality. However, it is best to avoid intense exercise shortly before bedtime as it can overstimulate the body and make it harder to fall asleep.
Finally, dietary supplements can also play a beneficial role in improving sleep quality. These supplements may contain ingredients such as melatonin, a natural sleep hormone, or other plant extracts known for their calming properties.
Mood swings are also a common complaint that many women experience during menopause. This is mainly due to the hormonal fluctuations involved in this process. The fact that menopause marks the end of the ability to conceive naturally can also have a profound emotional impact. Common symptoms include mood swings, which can range from irritability to sadness to anxiety.
First, social support can be helpful. Talking openly about your emotions and difficulties with friends, family members or a health professional can be beneficial.
Regular exercise is also an effective way to improve mood. It promotes the release of endorphins, the feel-good hormones, which can help alleviate feelings of sadness and anxiety. Yoga, in particular, can help treat these psychological symptoms.
Finally, dietary supplements have also demonstrated their effectiveness in managing mood disorders induced by menopause. Increased emotional well-being, reduced anxiety and stress… These dietary supplements constitute an interesting alternative to drug treatments.
The issue of hormone therapy is an important aspect to consider when addressing menopausal symptoms. When these symptoms are considered major and have a significant impact on daily quality of life , hormone therapy may be considered. This approach aims to correct symptoms associated with estrogen deficiency, such as hot flashes, vaginal dryness, and mood disorders. However, it is essential to note that hormone therapy carries potential health risks, which may make this option inappropriate for some women.
The most important risks associated with hormone therapy include increased risk of breast cancer , endometrial cancer, ovarian cancer, as well as thromboembolic and stroke risks. Therefore, the decision to opt for hormone therapy should be carefully considered, assessing the benefit/risk ratio for each patient. It is essential to discuss this option with a healthcare professional, who can provide detailed information on the potential benefits and risks associated with hormone therapy.
The High Authority of Health recognizes the interest of hormone therapy in the management of menopausal symptoms, particularly when these symptoms are bothersome to the point of affecting quality of life. The duration of this hormone replacement therapy (HRT) must however be as short as possible. Its necessity must also be reassessed at least every year.
In short, menopause is a natural phase in every woman's life. However, this does not mean that the uncomfortable symptoms that may occur are without recourse. By adopting gentle lifestyle changes, dietary modifications, mind-body approaches and, in some cases, exploring medical treatments such as hormone therapy, alleviating the discomforts of menopause and experiencing this transition more serenely is entirely possible.
Johnson A, Roberts L, Elkins G. (2019, March 14). Complementary and alternative medicine for menopause.
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High Authority of Health. (July 16, 2014). Hormonal treatments for menopause.