Les Dosha en Ayurveda : Vata, kapha, pitta

The Doshas in Ayurveda: Vata, kapha, pitta

Jan 18, 2024

Characteristics of Vata

Vata is a light, fluctuating energy, mobile like air . This subtle and rapid energy comes across rather cool and dry. It circulates quickly in the body and infiltrates everywhere. It is what makes you move , walk, run ... It also supports breathing, as well as impulses and decisions. It is she who ensures the balance of the tissues and the coordination of the senses .


Vata type people are rather thin , even skinny. Their gaze is lively, always moving. Their features are fine. They speak quickly in weak voices. Their movements are quick but they lack flexibility. Their appetite is irregular, oscillating between excess and abstinence. Rather chilly , they sweat little. Even if they are capable of endurance, they quickly feel fatigue which they must overcome. They sleep little, poorly, with a sleep full of dreams, restless.

Also read: The Doshas in Ayurveda


These people are generally anxious . Their behavior is marked by latent nervousness . Their motivation is fragile and they easily feel discouraged by difficulties. They are very observant but their lack of memory makes them as light as birds flying from branch to branch. They like traveling and creative activities. They appreciate humor and like to tell stories.

Constitutional weaknesses

Vata type people have rather fragile health. Their immune system defends them poorly against infections. They suffer from nervous system disorders and rheumatism . Pain often involves an imbalance of Vata.

The 5 specific qualities of Vata

Vata energy is located mainly in the intestine (especially the colon), but also in the legs, bones, and skin. It manifests itself in 5 different ways:

  • Prana : it is the closest manifestation of original energy. It allows us to breathe to stay alive. Prana is also the basis of the intelligence of the heart, of the five senses. It is thanks to it that we breathe, that we absorb the new air that keeps us alive. It also carries food to the stomach where it will be digested. This energy “lives” in the head , it also “works” in the throat and chest .

  • Udana : it is the energy of the senses. thanks to it, we see, hear, smell, taste, touch. This energy allows us to exhale, to release the stale air that weighs us down. It is the basis of our memory and our ability to speak. This energy “lives” in the chest .

  • Vyana : it is the energy of movement. It is thanks to it that we walk, that we move, that we move. It is the fastest energy, it “lives” in the heart , it works in the entire body.

  • Samana : this energy intervenes upstream of digestion, it is thanks to it that food is sorted and prepared to be either assimilated or eliminated. It inhabits the digestive tract and the small intestine .

  • Apana : this is the energy that governs our ability to retain or release. It is thanks to it that we expel our waste (stools, urine, etc.). It also governs menstruation in women and ejaculation in men. It “lives” in the anus and “works” throughout the pelvis .


Characteristics of Kapha

Kapha energy is cold, smooth, heavy. It's a very slow viscous energy. It slows down exchanges and causes liquids to stagnate. It ensures our physical and mental stability. It is responsible for lubricating our joints .


Kapha type people are solidly built . Their bones are dense but their musculature is soft. Their features are rather thick, but their face is lit by large eyes under a broad forehead. They tend to gain weight, although they eat in moderation with a particular attraction to sweet foods. They are very durable and resistant to effort.


They are patient people, moderate in everything. They are calm and capable of lasting attachment. They are endowed with a lot of senses. Very loyal, they can be resentful because they do not easily forget their rare annoyances. Very orderly, they know how to be content with a simple life . They love water, nature. They are good at commercial exchanges . They need a lot of sleep and often doze off during the day.

Constitutional weaknesses

These people have strong immune defenses and rarely get sick. Their health problems are more respiratory or circulatory. Rashes and itching are most often caused by an imbalance of Kapha.

Characteristics of Pitta

Pitta energy is less light and much warmer than Vata. It is corrosive, slippery, rather liquid. It is she who digests and ensures the assimilation of food. It is responsible for our thermal balance, hunger, thirst, intelligence.


Pitta type people generally have an average build , they are muscular and flexible. Their features are regular, their face is animated by a penetrating, sharp gaze. They speak in a high-pitched voice and their comments are very reasoned. They often feel too hot and sweat a lot. They have a healthy appetite and good physical endurance.


They are courageous and convincing people who know how to get their ideas across. These lovers of verbal jousting are, however, irritable and easily angered. Their intelligence is keen. They are impatient to the point of sometimes becoming aggressive. They have a good memory. They are rather sporty.

Constitutional weaknesses

Pitta type people have average resistance to infections , but when they catch a microbe, they react with fevers and inflammatory conditions. Their pain is sharp and burning. Disorders that manifest themselves as heat are most often due to a Pitta imbalance.

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