Préparer son corps pour le retour de l'hiver

Prepare your body for the return of winter

Nov 09, 2023

Winter is fast approaching. Are you ready to welcome this season with a body well prepared to resist the cold and winter illnesses? This article aims to provide you with advice on how to prepare your body for the arrival of winter . Preparation, adaptation and prevention are the key words for a smooth transition to the colder months of the year.

The effects of cold on the human body

Winter is approaching, with its shorter days and longer nights. However, it brings with it a number of challenges for our body. Understanding these challenges is the first step to preparing for and managing them effectively. So, what exactly happens when the cold of the season hits our bodies?

First, our metabolism has to work harder to maintain our body temperature in cold conditions. The heart increases its rate to maintain equitable heat distribution throughout the body. The skin itself tightens to minimize heat loss, which can cause dryness and discomfort.

In addition, our immune system is also challenged. Viruses, such as influenza and rhinovirus (cause of the common cold), are more stable and resistant in cold, dry air. It is essential to boost your immune system .

And what about our joints? Haven't you noticed how old wounds seem to "wake up" in cold weather? This is because cold weather can increase the viscosity of synovial fluid, making joints less flexible and sometimes causing pain.

Essential Nutrients for a Stronger Immune System in Winter

Have you ever thought about how our body can defend itself against the cold and winter attacks? One of the essential elements to consider is diet . Indeed, certain nutrients play a crucial role in strengthening the immune system , helping us to better resist winter ills.

What are these key nutrients?

  • Vitamins: In particular vitamin C and vitamin D. Vitamin C, found in large quantities in citrus fruits and berries, is well known for its stimulating effect on the immune system. As for vitamin D, often called the "sunshine vitamin", it can be lacking during the winter months. It may therefore be wise to supplement it through food (eggs, fatty fish) or supplements.
  • Minerals: Like zinc and selenium which are essential for the functioning of immune cells. These minerals are found in seafood, nuts and seeds.
  • Probiotics: These strengthen the intestinal flora which plays a major role in our immune system. Probiotics are found in fermented foods such as yogurt, kimchi or sauerkraut.

But how can we integrate these nutrients into our daily diet during winter? The ideal is to adopt a varied and balanced diet .

However, here are some concrete examples:

  1. Eat a fruit rich in vitamin C for breakfast, such as an orange or kiwi.
  2. Incorporate nuts or seeds into your salads to add minerals.
  3. Include fermented foods in your diet, such as a serving of yogurt at lunch.

Good hydration and regular physical activity are also essential. However, a diet rich in these Nutrients can significantly strengthen your immune system while helping prevent common winter illnesses.

Prepare your body for the return of winter

Mental preparation: motivate yourself and stay positive in winter

Have you ever noticed that when winter sets in, your energy seems to dissipate with the sun, even before dark? It's a common feeling, but it's not inevitable .

First, we need to be aware of our habits and behaviors that change with the seasons. Often, lack of light during winter can lead to a form of seasonal depression. It is known as seasonal affective disorder (SAD). If you experience low energy, depressed mood, or excessive sleepiness, you may be affected by SAD.

We have several tools at our disposal to combat it:

  • Light therapy : often valuable in cases of SAD, this is a technique which consists of exposing oneself to strong artificial light for a given period of time each day.
  • Sport : practicing physical activity stimulates the production of endorphins, the hormones of happiness, and helps combat lack of light and social isolation.
  • Outdoor activities : taking advantage of daylight as much as possible is essential for our biological clock. Walking, skiing, or simply enjoying a good book on a park bench under a ray of winter sunshine can do wonders for your mood.

Mental preparation for winter is not only concerned with our perception of cold or lack of light. It also involves the way we take care of ourselves, our relationships and our environment. Like a cup of hot tea on a cold winter's day, self-love and compassion for others can warm our hearts even in the bitterest cold.


In short, the approach of winter is not only a test for our body, but also for our mind. Preparing your body for winter involves eating a diet rich in key nutrients to strengthen the immune system and being aware of the effects of cold weather on the human body. However, it is just as crucial to maintain a positive mindset, take care of ourselves and value our relationships. Let's not forget that winter, as harsh as it may be, is a natural season that invites us to slow down, warm up and refocus. So, let's cherish these moments, strengthen our body and mind, and welcome winter with confidence and serenity.

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