La natation au service de la santé

Swimming for health

Dec 18, 2023

Swimming can help a person manage or lose weight , build strength , and improve breathing control. The benefits of swimming can also extend to mental health .

1. Swimming works the whole body

Swimming engages almost every major muscle group , requiring a person to use their arms, legs, torso, and stomach.

In addition, swimming

2. It develops cardiovascular strength

Cardiovascular, or cardio, exercise involves the heart , lungs , and circulatory system . A complete workout program, such as swimming, includes this type of exercise.

One study reported that "after adjusting for age, body mass index, smoking, alcohol consumption, and family history of cardiovascular disease, swimmers had a 53%, 50%, and 49% lower risk of all-cause mortality than sedentary men, walkers, or runners, respectively."

3. It is suitable for all ages and fitness levels

Some types of exercise can be challenging for people who are new to them or who are not feeling very fit.

However, swimming allows a person to go at his or her own pace , and it can be inviting for those new to exercise.

Swimming can be learned from a young age, and most pools have an area reserved for beginners and those who prefer to swim slowly.


4. It is good for people with injuries

A person with an injury or condition such as arthritis may have difficulty doing high-impact exercises.

People who cannot participate in high-impact , high-resistance exercises may prefer swimming because the water gently supports the muscles.

5. It helps fight asthma

In addition to developing cardiovascular strength , swimming can help increase lung capacity and improve breathing control.

While the humid air in indoor pools may also help improve asthma symptoms, it's important to note that some studies indicate that the disinfectant chemicals used in pools can worsen symptoms of this condition. These chemicals may also increase the likelihood that a swimmer will develop asthma.

6. It helps regulate blood sugar levels

A 2016 study of 62 untrained premenopausal women found that swimming three times a week improved blood sugar control and insulin sensitivity.

The study found that low-volume, high-intensity intermittent swimming was more beneficial than low-intensity swimming for one hour.

7. It helps improve sleep

A 2010 study of 17 sedentary adults with insomnia and an average age of 61.6 found improved sleep in those who exercised regularly.

Also read: Valerian root against insomnia

8. It improves mood

Exercise releases endorphins , which improve mood.

A 2014 pilot study involving people with dementia found that those who swam regularly over a 12-week period experienced improved mood.

In summary...

Swimming burns calories and can help people manage their weight, tone their muscles, and improve their overall health and fitness .

This activity engages multiple muscle groups and the cardiovascular system, and can be a great workout for a wide variety of people.

Swimming can help some people improve their mood , relax, and reduce stress levels.

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