Sédentarité : risques et conseils pour rester actif

Dangers of a sedentary lifestyle: some tips for staying active!

Written by: Marie Agopian


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Time to read 4 min

Currently, there is a general decrease in daily physical activity across the world, associated with a significant increase in sedentary lifestyles. However, sedentary lifestyles are far from being without consequences: they represent a major risk factor for non-communicable diseases and are the fourth leading cause of premature death worldwide. But what does it really mean to be sedentary? And above all, how can we combat the lack of physical activity in daily life?

Are you considered sedentary?

Sedentary lifestyle is defined as a situation of wakefulness in a sitting or lying position , characterized by low energy expenditure. It implies a lifestyle marked by an absence of significant physical activity, where the person remains mainly sitting or lying down for long hours, thus contributing to minimal energy expenditure . Sedentary lifestyle is often associated with behaviors such as watching television, using a computer, or other activities that require little or no physical movement.

What is the difference between physical inactivity and a sedentary lifestyle?

Physical inactivity corresponds to an insufficient level of physical activity of moderate to high intensity, below the recommended threshold. The guidelines of the National Nutrition Health Program (PNNS) recommend practicing the equivalent of at least 30 minutes of brisk walking per day.

Sedentary behavior, on the other hand, is considered independently of physical inactivity, presenting its own effects on health. It is important to emphasize that even being physically active, it is possible to be sedentary. For example, if you dedicate 30 minutes a day to dynamic physical activities, but most of your day is spent sitting, you are active and sedentary . To maintain your health, both dimensions are therefore important: reducing the time spent sitting and integrating regular physical activity into your daily life.

Health risks of a sedentary lifestyle

The impact of a sedentary lifestyle on health is vast, ranging from the deterioration of well-being and sleep quality to the onset of certain pathologies. Indeed, a sedentary lifestyle can be responsible for certain serious diseases , including obesity, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and certain cancers such as endometrial, breast and colon cancer.

Conversely, physical activity plays a crucial role in reducing health risks . It can reduce the risk of heart disease by 30%, the risk of diabetes by 27%, and the risk of breast and colon cancer by 21 to 25%. In addition, it is essential to ensure energy balance and weight control. Furthermore, the High Authority of Health (HAS) has recognized since 2011 the benefits of prescribing physical activity as a non-drug therapy for patients with chronic diseases.

However, to date, almost half of French people (aged 15 to 75) do not achieve a sufficient level of activity.

Some tips for staying active

In daily life

Physical activity is not limited to formal workouts. It also includes all activities that can be practiced in contexts other than everyday life. To integrate more physical activities into daily life, it is recommended in particular:

  • Prioritize active travel : opting for cycling, walking or scootering rather than public transport or driving is a good way to combat a sedentary lifestyle. If the entire journey cannot be done on foot, getting off the bus one stop before the desired destination and finishing on foot is a solution. When using public transport, stand whenever possible.
  • To make phone calls while standing rather than sitting, and if possible, while walking.
  • Regaining the energy you need : Being active is also a question of capacity. With a loss of energy and vitality, staying dynamic throughout the day can be difficult. Fortunately, there are natural products that can help you regain all the energy you need.
  • Rethink your leisure time : replace sedentary activities such as watching television or reading with more dynamic activities such as gardening or DIY.
  • Move regularly : When you are sedentary, it is still important to get up regularly, stretch, get some fresh air by the window, or better yet, walk for a few minutes. To make this happen without any harm, why not choose opportune moments, such as during commercials or between episodes?

As a reminder, it remains important to limit the time spent on screens . Indeed, in addition to the risks related to a sedentary lifestyle, this activity encourages snacking. Prolonged exposure to blue light from screens can also have harmful effects on the retina.

At work

At work, a sedentary lifestyle can be difficult to avoid. However, a few simple adjustments can make a difference:

  • Use sit-stand furniture , such as tables that can be adjusted in height, so that you can work while standing. If this type of object is not available, raising your computer using books or cardboard boxes to work while standing is also possible.
  • Take active breaks : take advantage of break times to walk for a few minutes, go out for some fresh air, do movements that activate the muscles and mobilize the joints, etc.
  • Take the stairs instead of the elevator.
  • Don’t forget about yourself. It’s easy to forget about your health when you’re focused on a task. Setting reminders on your phone to get up at least every two hours and walk/stretch can sometimes solve this problem.

In the frenzy of everyday life, it is sometimes easy to neglect our well-being. However, it is essential to remember that health is fundamental and irreplaceable. By integrating physical activities into your daily life, whether at home, at work, or during your leisure time, you can prevent the negative effects of a sedentary lifestyle and maintain a healthy life.


World Health Organization. Sedentary lifestyle.

Ministry of Health and Prevention. Physical activity and health.

Eat and move. Reduce time spent sitting.

National Observatory of Physical Activity and Sedentary Lifestyle. Definitions. Physical inactivity / sedentary lifestyle, what are the differences?