10 meilleures résolutions pour améliorer votre bien-être mental en 2024

10 best resolutions to improve your mental well-being in 2024

Jan 01, 2024

Caught in daily constraints and habits, it is easy to neglect one's mental well-being, which is nevertheless essential to overall balance. In the new year, why not make some resolutions to feel better mentally?

Why set resolutions every year?

Setting goals to improve your mental well-being firstly provides a constant source of motivation . These resolutions can serve as a guide throughout the year, helping to maintain perseverance in the process of taking care of yourself. The new year can also be stressful due to the uncertainty that accompanies it. Establishing resolutions can help channel this anxiety by focusing on concrete goals, thus providing a feeling of control over the future.

Defining resolutions is also a way of anticipating future changes . This anticipation allows you to plan and implement concrete actions to progress in your quest for mental well-being. Establishing priorities and setting resolutions also allows you to take control of your year, reinforcing the feeling of being in control of your life and your decisions, crucial for maintaining positive mental health. Each step taken toward achieving a resolution is rewarding, generating a sense of personal accomplishment and contributing to increased mental well-being.

The technique for setting resolutions effectively

A strategic approach to achieving your resolutions is to adopt the SMART method . This methodology proves to be an essential tool for formulating objectives in a precise and achievable manner. Its acronym means:

  • Specific : The more specific the objective, the better it can be understood and pursued. For example, rather than aiming for a general improvement in mental well-being, it is better to specify concrete aspects such as regular meditation practice or establishing a work-life balance.
  • Measurable : A measurable goal is crucial for assessing progress and celebrating successes. Defining tangible criteria makes it possible to quantify progress, thus providing a clear vision of the progress made.
  • Achievable : It is essential that resolutions are realistic and achievable. Setting unachievable goals can lead to frustration, feelings of failure and early giving up. The objectives must therefore be chosen according to one's capacities and resources.
  • Realistic : resolutions must also be in line with the reality of daily life. This requires considering time constraints, professional and personal commitments, and adjusting your goals accordingly.
  • Temporally defined : the temporal dimension gives structure to its resolutions. Setting deadlines helps maintain consistent commitment. For example, instead of just aiming to read more, set a specific goal like "read a book every month" to anchor your commitment over time.

The 10 resolutions for a balanced year

1. Sort through your social relationships

Cultivating healthy relationships is a priority for optimal mental health. Avoiding stressful relationships that generate feelings of unease or self-worth is essential. On the other hand, investing in positive relationships , whether at family, school or work, can significantly improve one's mental well-being. Positive social interactions constitute an effective protective factor reducing the risks of developing mental health problems.

2. Do not neglect your healthy lifestyle

Diet , physical exercise and even sleep have a considerable impact on mental well-being. For example, exercise gives your mind a relaxing break and releases endorphins, often referred to as happy hormones. Why not choose a physical activity and integrate it into your daily life? Be careful with the use of drugs, alcohol or medication, which may affect mental health.

3.Find balance between personal and professional life

Establishing clear boundaries between work and personal time is important. To do this, it is necessary to disconnect from work at certain times, dedicate specific time slots to personal activities and cultivate hobbies outside the professional context. Satisfactory working conditions are also crucial for lasting mental health, notably preventing burnout .

4. Optimize your time

Time management also remains a key skill for maintaining mental balance. This mainly consists of establishing clear priorities, learning to refuse when necessary and avoiding any overload of work. By planning your time efficiently, it is possible to alleviate the stress linked to tight deadlines and free up time for relaxing activities.

5. Enforce your limits

Self-esteem is intrinsically linked to the ability to be respected and define one's own limits. So sometimes you have to learn to say no when necessary, to establish clear boundaries in your personal and professional relationships and to maintain an environment that values ​​your well-being.

6. Listen to your body and its signals

The close connection between body and mind highlights the importance of attentively meeting physical needs . Listening carefully to these needs can sometimes even allow you to take preventative measures to maintain your mental well-being.

7. Manage your stress

Stress is inevitable, so you might as well learn to manage it! Recognizing the presence of stress and implementing strategies to deal with it are crucial steps in maintaining mental balance. Practices such as meditation, deep breathing and yoga can be effective tools for managing daily stress. Natural products can also help ease stress and anxiety.

8. Be optimistic

Although not everything is under our control, we retain the ability to influence our state of mind. Cultivating optimism and adopting a kind attitude towards yourself remain essential elements for maintaining a positive outlook, even during difficult times.

9. Learn to be resilient

Resilience is the ability to overcome challenges with ease. It encompasses the ability to learn new skills, adapt to change , maintain healthy self-esteem, and handle conflict with confidence. Accepting change and adapting to new situations can go a long way toward improving mental well-being.

10. Seek a professional as soon as necessary

Sometimes, the emotional suffering is too great : excessive emotional burden, persistent anxiety, difficulty coping with everyday life, etc. In these situations, it can be beneficial to seek support from a professional such as a psychologist or your doctor.

Mental health experiences natural variations under the influence of external and personal factors. Therefore, it becomes essential to preserve this precious resource. By adopting these simple resolutions, each individual can not only anticipate the onset of mental health problems, but also create a balanced and fulfilling year.

References :

World Health Organization. Planning of actions to be carried out using the SMART method.

Government of Canada. (Updated August 12, 2022). Promotion of positive mental health.

Government of Quebec. (Updated December 13, 2021). Maintain good mental health.

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