L’histoire de la cicatrisation de la peau

The history of skin healing

Sep 29, 2021

The healing mechanism of the skin

The ability of organisms to repair or regenerate tissues, in order to restore organ functions, is a selective advantage and survival factor in nature. Most organisms are subject to a process of continuous renewal throughout their life. The healing capacity develops differently depending on the species. From simple tissue repair to the regeneration of complete organs , as shown by the axolotl (a species of salamander). He possesses the ability to regenerate all of his damaged or destroyed organs . He is able to reconstruct a missing eye. The axolotl can also recreate parts of its brain if they are destroyed.

Skin healing since ancient Egypt

Wound healing , i.e. the healing of the skin, has been recognized as vital to health since the beginning of mankind . Papyrus scrolls from ancient Egypt (3,200-300 BC) already describe wound care procedures with the use of compression for hemostasis . They also describe dressing techniques from Hippocrates, indicating the importance of evacuation of pus from the wound and from Galen, describing the principles of primary and secondary wound healing (with high risk of infection).

The evolution of science

Much of this knowledge has been lost over time. They have been rediscovered in modern times. At the end of the 19th century, the development of antisepsis by Lister and Semmelweis, the detection of pathogenic microorganisms by Koch, and above all the discovery of penicillin by Fleming and sulfonamides by Domagk had an enormous impact on understanding , therapy and wound healing outcomes. Today, research sheds light on a deeper understanding of the complex interplay of cells and the distinct influence of different cytokines and growth factors , and uncovers the molecular biology of skin healing . But after 5,000 years of treating wounds, the goals have not changed. The patient always wants healthy healing of the wound and the most discreet aesthetic result possible.

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