Comment préparer naturellement son corps à un voyage ?

How to naturally prepare your body for a trip?

Sep 27, 2023

There are plenty of tips for traveling comfortably, but far fewer on how to naturally prepare your body for a trip . Whether it's a long flight, a high-altitude adventure, or the transition to a new time zone. , our bodies can be under a certain amount of pressure. So how can we naturally optimize our well-being and health when traveling?

Comfort while traveling is not just about the outward appearance - the quality of your airplane seat or the size of your hotel room - but also about the internal preparation of your body, the well-being of your organism.

In this article, we will critically and scientifically discuss various methods to naturally prepare our body for a trip . The goal is to give you the information and keys you need to feel your best during your trip. We will explore methods based on diet , hydration , sleep and exercise .

Stay tuned to find out how you can prepare your body to face the specific challenges of travel and enjoy every moment of your adventure.

  • Reminder: The information provided in this article is based on scientific research. However, it does not replace the advice of your doctor or a healthcare professional.

Strengthening your immune system before traveling: natural remedies

Before embarking on a trip, it is important to strengthen your immune system to protect yourself from potential infections and diseases. Natural remedies are a great option to prepare your body for a trip. Here are some suggestions:

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is a powerful ally to strengthen your immune system. It is found in foods such as citrus fruits, strawberries, kiwi or red pepper. This vitamin can help prevent viral and bacterial infections.


The proper functioning of our immune system is closely linked to the health of our digestive system . Probiotics , present in fermented foods such as yogurt, kimchi, sauerkraut or kefir, strengthen intestinal health and help prevent infections.


Quality sleep is essential to maintain a strong immune system. Lack of or poor quality sleep can weaken our body's defenses. It is therefore recommended to stick to your usual sleep routines before and during travel.


Hydration is another key factor in preventing illness. Water helps flush toxins from our body and contributes to the proper functioning of our immune system. It is essential to drink enough throughout the day, especially when traveling.

Green tea

Green tea is known for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that can help boost the immune system. The antioxidants in green tea can help protect the body from cellular damage and strengthen immune defenses.

In short, a healthy lifestyle , balanced diet and natural remedies can go a long way in boosting your immune system in preparation for a trip. Remember that every individual is unique; what works for one may not work for another - hence the need to find what works best for you.

Preventing stomach aches while traveling: natural tips to follow

Travel is often associated with excitement, adventure, and discovering new cultures. However, it can also bring its share of inconveniences, including stomach aches. Whether it's due to food from another country, jet lag, stress, or simply an upset digestive system, stomach aches can ruin a trip. It is therefore essential to prepare your body in advance to prevent these inconveniences. Here are some natural tips to follow:

Eat light and balanced

The quality of our diet has a direct impact on the digestive system. Therefore, before traveling, it is advisable to favor a balanced and light diet . Avoid eating fatty, spicy or too sweet foods that can disrupt your digestive system. Instead, opt for foods rich in fiber such as fruits and vegetables and do not forget to consume enough protein.

The importance of hydration

Hydration plays a vital role in the well-being of the digestive system. In fact, water helps to facilitate the passage of food through the digestive system and prevent constipation. It is recommended to drink water regularly, before and during the trip. Even if it means that you will have to make a few extra stops, your belly will thank you for it.

Prepare your natural first aid kit

Natural remedies to take with you to prevent stomach aches while traveling include activated charcoal , which is effective against bloating and gas, and ginger , which is known for its anti-nausea properties. Peppermint essential oil can also be very useful in cases of abdominal pain. Finally, grapefruit seed extract helps prevent digestive disorders.

It is important to remember that the use of essential oils must be done with caution.

Exercise regularly

Being physically active before and during your trip is a good way to prevent stomach aches. Exercise helps stimulate the normal functioning of the digestive system and reduces stress, another major factor in digestive problems. Walking, running, swimming... it doesn't matter as long as you move regularly!

By following these tips, you increase your chances of having a peaceful trip, without digestive upset.

Restful sleep for a stress-free trip: natural tips

Taking care of your sleep is a crucial step in the body's natural preparation for travel. Quality rest not only allows the body to be optimal, but it also helps manage travel-related stress. Here are some natural tips to promote restful sleep:

Respect the natural rhythm of sleep

Our bodies have a biological clock that regulates our periods of wakefulness and sleep . Disrupting this rhythm can lead to intense fatigue and a feeling of jet lag, even before traveling. It is therefore important to maintain a regular sleep rhythm, by staying consistent in your bedtime and wake-up times. When traveling to a different time zone, start adjusting your clock a few days before the trip.

Plants and supplements to promote sleep

There are several natural remedies that can help maintain quality sleep. Chamomile and valerian, for example, are herbs known for their relaxing properties and ability to promote good sleep. Additionally, a melatonin supplement can be taken to adjust your body clock when traveling across borders.

Maintain an environment conducive to sleep

Our environment has a significant impact on the quality of our sleep. Make sure your bedroom is dark , quiet and at a comfortable temperature . Electrical devices, even on standby, can disrupt sleep, so it's best to unplug phones and computers before bed.

Practice relaxation

Relaxation techniques, such as meditation or yoga, can be very beneficial in preparing the body for restful sleep. These practices can help calm the mind, reduce anxiety, and induce a state of deep rest. Exercising regularly, but not too close to bedtime, also promotes good sleep.

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