Comprendre la migraine

Understanding migraine

Jul 22, 2021

When migraine is at the center of life…

“I don’t remember at what age I had my first migraine. On the other hand, I remember that I was afraid. Fear and evil. Susanne — 48 years old. This type of testimony is not uncommon when people with migraine are asked about their first experience with the disease. The relationship with migraine is an event that is built over time, like a couple. We learn to tame each other. But before declaring unconditional love, you have to recognize yourself. The diagnosis is only a first step, a first element in the world of pain. When we understand that migraine is going to be an integral part of life, it is a painful and delicate moment to digest. Because, in addition to migraine in the clinical sense of the term, there is the psychological weight that is added to it. We feel alone, empty, helpless, sometimes even panicking in the face of the unknown. After understanding the importance and central place of this disease in life, we still have to accept it. It's far from easy, because accepting to live with migraine means giving up... giving up the lifestyle you had before.

Understand that you are a migraine sufferer

Some people discover migraine as a companion that arrives without warning, day or night. The first time he hits, it's in the head. We find ourselves completely stunned by pain. This is the first crisis. We remember it forever. It leaves an indelible mark in the memory, but also in the body itself. The symptoms are consistent: – pain that bludgeons and spreads under the skull, – vomiting or nausea, or even both! – irrepressible need to sleep, – loss of balance, or feeling dizzy, – sensitivity to noises and sounds: phonophobia, – sensitivity to light: photophobia, – increasing irritability, – etc. The lucky ones know about the disease thanks to a member of their family and the others discover it like finding a chocolate liqueur in a colorful box! Often, it is through a close relative that migraine is discussed in the family. “I knew about migraine because I always saw my father struggle with it. Since we were little, we lived in silence and darkness so as not to make my father's migraines worse. Cynthia — 29 years old. To understand that we are migraine sufferers is to understand that our life is about to change. It will inevitably change for the worse or at best for the different, because we know that we will have to pay attention to many triggering factors , to external elements and even more to ourselves. “I often hear from my family that I am a selfish person because I think of myself first before others. The problem is that nobody thinks about my migraines. So when I refuse to go see a movie at the cinema because of the sound and light, I feel misunderstood. Serena — 25 years old.

Accept that you are a migraine sufferer

Understanding that you have migraine means changing your life; but we have several choices before us: we refuse the disease and we decide to ignore it so we suffer it, or else we accept it and we start the fight. But we very quickly find ourselves at an impasse, and we discover therapeutic wandering. To begin, we make appointments with doctors, specialists and practitioners. Sometimes it takes a long time to be diagnosed, sometimes it's a mere handful of seconds that crushes us under its weight. Once you understand, that’s half the battle. Now we have to accept it. We have to accept that we will be sick for the rest of our lives. And there is another very difficult part. “When I was diagnosed with migraine, I was with my mother. She started crying and hugged me and told me she was sorry, so sorry. I was scared and I understood that it was serious. » Emilie — 35 years old. The problem is that the medical profession knows almost nothing about migraine disease. Doctors don't know where it comes from, they don't know the triggering mechanism, and worse still, they have almost no solutions to offer patients. The medications offered are not intended to treat migraine. The link to migraine relief is fortuitous. But as we have observed that they act on certain aspects of the disease, we put up with them, but they do not cure us. Accepting migraine means putting together a battle plan against the illness, which is bound to evolve with daily life. Each event confronts the body with migraine to give rise to a reaction. Either a crisis is triggered, or we still get a little respite. In this case, we begin to live with our own conditions, respecting the migraine and our choices. Daily life 1 — Migraine 1 — ball in the center!

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