Comprendre l'acné hormonale

Understanding hormonal acne

Sep 15, 2023

Hormonal acne is a common skin problem that affects many people across the world, regardless of age , gender and race . It is particularly prevalent during puberty , but can also occur or persist into adulthood . This form of acne is, as the name suggests, closely linked to our hormones and can be difficult to manage without a thorough understanding of the underlying causes and the best solutions available.

It's not just a matter of aesthetics, hormonal acne can also cause considerable psychological distress for those affected.
  • What is hormonal acne?
  • What hormones are involved in hormonal acne?
  • What are the natural remedies for hormonal acne?
  • How to prevent hormonal acne breakouts?

With this valuable information, readers will be better equipped to combat this complex and frustrating skin condition, and will be able to have more informed and productive conversations with their healthcare professionals.

What is hormonal acne?

Knowing acne as a whole requires an understanding of its different forms , including hormonal acne. The latter is a specific type of acne that is generally attributed to hormonal fluctuations in the body. These fluctuations can occur at different times of life, such as puberty, before menstruation, during pregnancy and menopause, among other periods of hormonal change.

Symptoms of hormonal acne often appear as deep, painful pimples on the chin and along the jawline . They can also appear elsewhere on the face and body. Sometimes these breakouts can be persistent or come back regularly around the same time each month, signaling a likely link to the hormonal cycle .

The hormones responsible for acne

It’s a question worth thinking about: what hormones are involved in the appearance of hormonal acne? To answer this, it is essential to immerse ourselves in the very complex biochemical mechanisms that govern our skin. As a protective film for our body, the skin is subject to numerous influences , particularly hormonal. The hormones that mainly impact the appearance of acne are androgens, progesterone and glucocorticoids.


Androgens are, without a doubt, the main culprits in hormonal acne. Among them, we find testosterone, dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA). These hormones stimulate the production of sebum , the oily substance that our sebaceous glands produce to keep our skin hydrated. However, when we produce too much sebum , pores become clogged and comedones – commonly known as blackheads – appear . This situation, when combined with an overgrowth of certain bacteria like Propionibacterium acnes , can lead to inflammation , giving rise to red and painful pimples.


This prominent hormone of the female menstrual cycle can also cause skin problems. Indeed, just after ovulation, progesterone increases and this can lead to excessive sebum production . This is why many women report an increase in acne during the second half of their menstrual cycle.


Also called ' stress hormones', glucocorticoids such as cortisol can indirectly lead to an exacerbation of acne. This is because these hormones reduce the skin's defenses and increase sebum production , giving bacteria a chance to multiply and cause inflammation.

It is important to understand that hormonal balance is crucial for healthy skin and that each person is unique; so what works for one person might not work for another. However, understanding the hormones that cause acne is an important step toward controlling this condition.

understand hormonal acne

Natural remedies for hormonal acne

When dealing with hormonal acne , there are a variety of natural remedies to help manage and reduce breakouts . It should be noted, however, that the effectiveness of these remedies may vary from person to person and what works for one person may not work for another. Additionally, it is always advisable to consult a healthcare professional before starting any new diet or treatment. So, will we turn to nature in our quest to understand how to manage hormonal acne?

Green tea

Green tea is well known for its anti-inflammatory properties, which can help reduce inflammation associated with acne. Additionally, it contains catechins, which can help balance hormones.

The aloe vera

Aloe vera has anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, making it effective for treating acne. It also helps heal and regenerate the skin.


Turmeric is another natural remedy for hormonal acne. It is well known for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, which can help reduce skin inflammation and fight acne-causing bacteria.

Omega-3 fatty acids

Omega-3 fatty acids can help reduce inflammation and balance hormones , which may benefit those who suffer from hormonal acne. They are found in particular in salmon, mackerel, chia and flax seeds .

Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil is known for its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties . Applied topically, it can help disinfect skin pores and reduce acne scars.

In short, the natural treatment of hormonal acne involves a combination of anti-inflammatory remedies that promote the rebalancing of hormones . It is clear that a holistic and individualized approach is necessary for the treatment of hormonal acne.

How to Prevent Hormonal Acne Breakouts

Preventing hormonal acne breakouts can be a complex undertaking, given the multiplicity of factors involved. However, a few smart strategies can help alleviate and manage this skin condition more effectively.

Balanced diet

Favoring a balanced diet - rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean proteins - can help regulate hormones and reduce inflammation. Adopting a low glycemic index diet, reduced in sugar and dairy products, can also have a positive impact.

Good sleep

Sleep plays a key role in hormonal regulation. Insufficient or poor quality sleep can disrupt hormonal balance, potentially increasing the risk of acne breakouts . Make sure you practice good sleep hygiene and get enough sleep every night.

Pay attention to your skin

A proper skin care regimen can help prevent acne . It is recommended to cleanse your skin gently, avoid pore-clogging cosmetics or skin care products, and always remove all makeup before sleeping.

Regular exercise

Regular exercise can help regulate hormones and reduce stress , two key factors in the onset of hormonal acne. Sweat produced during exercise can also help unclog skin pores and reduce the chances of acne breakouts.

Stress management

Stress can affect hormones and make acne worse. Implementing stress management strategies, such as meditation, relaxation, deep breathing or yoga, can help control hormones and thus minimize acne episodes.

It is important to remember that results may vary from person to person, and what works for one person may not work for another. Consult your dermatologist to discuss your specific situation and appropriate treatment options. A proactive and informed approach can help you effectively prevent and manage hormonal acne breakouts.

Find our anti-acne solution which is a complex of essential oils.

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