How to relieve a migraine? This can sometimes be very difficult because this headache is so disabling. We will see some tips and behaviors to adopt to prevent the onset of a migraine attack and to relieve the headache.
Preventing the onset of migraine attacks
There are several elements to prevent or at least reduce the frequency of migraine attacks. The first concept is to respect a routine . Indeed, the brain of the migraine patient is intolerant to change. It is in a state of permanent hyper excitability , whether during an attack or between attacks. All changes are likely to increase this excitability and pass a certain threshold to trigger the onset of the attack . These can be changes in the sleep cycle, in diet, in the environment (weather, altitude, etc.). Hormonal variations also play an important role, this explains the female predominance of migraine . It is recommended to use contraception that will limit hormonal variations as much as possible during the cycle. Respecting a routine means limiting these changes as much as possible. It is therefore advisable to respect regular sleep schedules, to avoid excess food or certain foods that tend to trigger migraine attacks, and so on.
Sport to soothe the brain
How to relieve a migraine by practicing sport ?
Sport is a key element in preventing the onset of attacks and relieving migraines . Several studies have shown the benefits of physical activity on the intensity of the pain felt during headaches or on the frequency of triggering attacks. It is not a question of practicing excessive sport, but of maintaining regular physical activity at a rate of two training sessions on average per week. Sport promotes the release of endorphins and the calming of the brain. This reduces the hyper excitability that exists in the patient.
Meditation, relaxation and yoga to prevent migraines
It is common that in order to soothe the brain, meditation or relaxation techniques are essential allies. Even if the majority of studies focus on chronic pain, the effectiveness of this technique is no less in relieving headaches . The practice of yoga is also associated with these techniques. These virtues have been demonstrated many times in several pathologies and many migraine patients report the benefits of this ancestral Indian practice . It is advisable to favor an intermediate yoga, not too gentle and not too lively, such as hatha yoga.
Self-hypnosis: an essential ally for relieving migraines
Another technique that has proven itself repeatedly in studies on chronic pain and migraine is self-hypnosis . This involves learning to control the descending pathways of pain . When mastered, this technique has real consequences on your brain , these are not beliefs, but truly teaching your brain to release endorphins on demand . The release of these substances is real and often much more effective than conventional painkillers . It is like self-stimulating its placebo effect , in itself the best possible remedy.
Osteopathy to reduce headaches and relieve migraines
Osteopathy is also effective in combating the onset of migraines . The osteopath will mainly focus on the cranial sphere, the muscles of the head , eyes and the base of the neck. Several studies are underway to scientifically validate the effectiveness of osteopathy in the management of migraines. This alternative medicine offers a global and holistic management of the body, it targets both the osteoarticular system, but can also focus on the nervous system . Recently, two students from the Saint-Étienne International Osteopathy Center demonstrated the effectiveness of a protocol aimed at reducing tension and soothing the autonomic nervous system of migraine patients. The patients were treated every two weeks for three months and 70% of them noted a decrease in the intensity of pain and the frequency of attacks.
Relieving a migraine with acupuncture
One may wonder "how to relieve a migraine with acupuncture?", acupuncture comes from traditional Chinese medicine . It uses needles to target energy points in order to soothe areas of tension. Scientific studies have proven the effectiveness of acupuncture in the management of migraine. Some studies have even shown similar results in the prevention of attacks as with conventional background treatments. A meta-analysis that listed all of several studies with a total of almost 5000 patients concluded that acupuncture is significantly effective in the management of headaches . However, it seems that a minimum of five consultations are necessary before obtaining the first results.
Homeopathy, studies still necessary
Concerning homeopathy, the results are very controversial . We are all aware of the current controversy over the fate of this medicine which relies on the memory of water. Clinical studies have attempted to answer the question "how to relieve a migraine?" by highlighting the effectiveness of homeopathy in the management of migraine. However, the results are very variable. Studies show significant results in the reduction of pain intensity and the number of migraine days per month compared to placebo groups. However, the number of patients included and the methodology used suggest certain limitations in the interpretation of the results . The scientific community agrees that further investigations are necessary to validate the effectiveness of homeopathy. In any case , it is not possible to conclude that there is no effect in relieving migraine .
What to do during the crisis to relieve the pain?
We talked at the beginning of the article about the hyper-excitable nature of the migraine patient's brain. During an attack, we wonder how to relieve a migraine, it is important to do everything to soothe the nervous system . Calm and darkness are the two key elements to achieve this effect. Hydration is also very important, it is best to drink lukewarm water and avoid cold drinks . It has been shown that a cold drink can trigger a migraine in patients. So choose room temperature water to hydrate yourself during the attack.
Massage and cold to relieve migraine
Applying a cold bandage to the forehead and temples is a very effective solution to reduce the intensity of pain. Massage is also a good compromise. These are neurological reflexes that will stimulate the descending pain pathways , those that reduce and soothe the intensity of pain . The essential oils used would have very little effectiveness, the effect obtained would be essentially due to the mechanical movement of the massage.
In conclusion
We have gone through a set of techniques and little tips to help you answer this question "how to relieve a migraine" and thus relieve a migraine attack. Unfortunately, there is no miracle solution to stop the attack and resorting to drug treatment is very often necessary. Be aware that there are specific migraine attack treatments such as tripants. They are excellent alternatives to self-medication with paracetamol or anti-inflammatories. You should definitely discuss it with your doctor or make an appointment with a neurologist if your migraines become disabling and affect your quality of life or if you consume self-medication treatments too regularly.
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