OMÉGA 3, EPA-DHA Premium

Made in FranceTitled plants

Omega 3: Dietary supplement for the Heart , Brain , and Joints

Omega 3s play a vital role in cardiovascular health, contributing to healthy blood circulation and supporting good cholesterol. They also help maintain cognitive function, improving memory and concentration . In addition, they offer support to muscles and joints thanks to their anti-inflammatory properties .

source of fish oil
Odorless formulation

EPA 90mg | DHA 60mg
Organic Agriculture
Bottle of 60 capsules (cure 1 month)

Omega 3: Blood circulation

Known for their beneficial role in supporting cardiovascular health , Omega 3 fatty acids may help lower blood triglycerides, support good HDL cholesterol, and promote overall heart health. Omega 3s can also help maintain healthy blood circulation.

Omega 3: Memory and concentration

Omega 3s play a key role in brain health. Necessary for brain development in children and maintenance of cognitive function in adults, they can improve memory and concentration . Some research suggests they may also help delay age-related cognitive decline .

Omega 3: Muscles and joints

Thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties, Omega 3 can help relieve pain and inflammation associated with joint diseases like arthritis. They can also improve joint mobility – beneficial for muscle and joint health.


Fish oil, 1000mg/2 capsules
-EPA, 90mg/2 capsules
-DHA, 60mg/2 capsules
vegetable capsule

Bottle of 60 capsules (cure 1 month)

Dosage:Take 2 capsules a day with a glass of water, preferably during meals.

Precautions:Do not exceed the recommended daily dose / Can not replace a varied, balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle / Close the pill box tightly after use / Store in a cool, dry place and out of reach of children /Not recommended for pregnant and breastfeeding women without medical advice.