Pourquoi je stress pour rien

why i stress for nothing

Mar 17, 2022

What is stress ?

Stress can be defined as a physiological and psychological reaction of the body to an event or situation that overwhelms it and in which it finds it difficult to respond. When the environment subjects the individual to stress , it triggers an adaptive physiological response called allostasis. This response occurs at the level of the autonomic nervous system via the sympathetic nervous system. It stimulates the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis which will play a role in the production of hormones attempting to restore the individual's emotional balance (1). The physiological response to environmental stressors has an evolutionary advantage. Indeed this component serves, in the animal instinct, as fight or flight mechanisms.

Stress these days

Today's society is subjecting the individual to growing stress , increased by the current health crisis, the Covid . The world of work, social pressure, the anxiety of professional failure, inter-individual judgments perceived as anxiety-provoking , the fast pace of life responsible for sleep disorders... There are many situations revealing a psychological impact in humans trying to find their place in society. Then comes a recurring question these days, why am I stressing for nothing ?

Understand and learn to manage stress

Chronic stress is manifested by a state of anxiety that lasts over time. The causes are many and specific to each. An anxious individual will ask himself “ why am I stressing for nothing ”, being disturbed by the emotions that pass through him, often subject to a state of hypervigilance, and dependent on these feelings. This person finds themselves facing a great risk of developing, over the course of their life, depression , even to the point of burnout , because of their daily stress .

The emotions that emanate from the question “ why am I stressing for nothing ” introduce fear and apprehension of everyday events, however small they may be. This anxious state is very detrimental to health and results in anxiety attacks in some people. Many physical and mental illnesses are caused by an accumulation of stress .

To help manage the problem of stress , we need to understand the reasons for “ why I stress for nothing ”, in order to put in place appropriate responses. First of all, to avoid aggravating the situation, don't panic ! We must start by identifying the stress crisis , analyzing the situation, listening to our senses, letting go of the thoughts that cross our mind.

Exercises that help control stress

Breathing exercises: cardiac coherence

If you are one of those people who wonders “ why am I stressing for nothing ” then breathing exercises are for you. Among them, cardiac coherence, which consists of a control of inspirations and expirations. Each must be slow and controlled to allow the heart rate to be lowered voluntarily. To help you control your breathing, you can put a hand on your stomach. You will easily find videos on YouTube to help you practice this exercise. Exercise as soon as the first symptoms of stress appear, to improve your time falling asleep and help you let go of your emotions.

Meditation and sophrology

Sophrology brings together a set of techniques that will act on the body and mind . This psycho-corporeal method aims at self-knowledge, and the balance between one's emotions , thoughts and body . If you ask yourself “ why am I stressing for nothing?” ”, then develop harmony with your sensations thanks to sophrology. To learn sophrology, you can turn to professionals specializing in this discipline. Some sophrologists run group classes, consider sharing them with a friend, your partner or your children.

Meditation consists of refocusing on yourself, listening to your thoughts in a neutral way, letting go of good and bad emotions. It is more about letting go and listening to your primitive senses.

Sport: good for stress

Physical and sporting activity , whatever it may be, allows the body to release all types of bodily tension by secreting well-being hormones, notably endorphins. We advise you to try several types of sport to find the one that suits you best. Even 20 minutes of walking is beneficial in helping to relieve feelings of stress .

How to make a stress ball?

A practical tool to respond to a stressful situation , the anti-stress ball! Here is a simple method for making it at home:
  • Take 3 balloons (not too thin if possible).
  • Blow lightly into one of the balloons, then using a small funnel, introduce 80g of rice and 120g of flour (you can supplement with more flour so that your balloon reaches the desired size.
  • Once the balloon is filled to your liking, let out as much air as possible then tie a knot.
  • Cut the rubber end, taking care not to cut too close to the knot.
  • Then wrap this balloon in the two other balloons at your disposal (add 1 or 2 other balloons if they are too thin). Make a knot each time, taking care to cut the ends.
  • Your stress ball is complete!

two man's hands, one on a computer keyboard and the other holding a stress ball

You can bring this little ball everywhere with you, at work, on a trip, on a scary date... Think about it! In the case of stress crises that are too important and constraining, consult a health professional.

Find our range to fight against stress and anxiety.

Bibliographic reference :

(1). Osorio, Carlos; Probert, Thomas; Jones, Edgar; Young, Allan H.; Robbins, Ian. Adapting to stress: understanding the neurobiology of resilience . Behavioral Medicine. 2017;43(4):307-322.

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