Nos engagements dans la migraine

Our commitments in migraine

Oct 20, 2021

Naturveda is committed to defending patients, recognizing migraine and training students

Neuroscience research

Each year we fund between 5 and 10 students to work on a project related to migraine . This can be basic science to understand the pathophysiology, but also studies on the socio-professional impact of migraines . In another context, two female students recently completed their osteopathic dissertation to assess the effectiveness of their treatment on migraine. We have been mentoring these students for two years and hope to publish the very promising results soon.


Each year we commit ourselves to make migraine known to the general public and that it is no longer a social taboo. We also encourage pharmacists and doctors to join this cause.

Associative commitment

We frequently collaborate with several associations of migraine patients . We give conferences for the association " The voice of migraineurs ". We are developing with members of Neuro-dol (Inserm) and the Clermont-Ferrand pain center the first “ migraine clinic ”. A structure entirely dedicated to migraine patients to teach them how to control and relieve their migraines using natural alternatives. First opening in September 2021.


With our partner, the “clinique de la migraine” association, we have created the migraine magazine . This is to popularize what is related to migraine : innovations, new treatments, physiopathology and to follow scientific news . For the scientific world, we regularly present our results at conferences to publicize our innovations.

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